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Can a German city take London’s place? Frankfurt’s new ‘Mayfair’

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 02:54 PM PST

Germany’s financial capital has been looking to eclipse London since Brexit and now Frankfurt’s residential market is making a similar bid to unseat the UK center. The German city’s Westend neighborhood is hoping to become the next Mayfair, a wealthy area in London, according to Mansion Global. Homeowners in Westend are putting off selling to wait and see whether the market heats up as expectations that an increase in buyers from Brexit are coming. But […]

The best and worst places to retire

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 02:26 PM PST

Based on a collection of data considering crime rates, cost of living, health care and transportation, Bankrate created an index of the U.S. 50 largest cities to determine which were the best and worst places to retire to. New York doesn’t make the top or bottom; the city’s 24-hour transit system was largely responsible for its decent showing of being the 18th best place to retire in, according the New York Times — perhaps the […]

Your home team says a lot about your home apparently

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 01:36 PM PST

Listings website did a targeted survey of NFL fans and found out that fans of the same team had some marked similarities when it came to how their personal home fields looked, according to the Wall Street Journal. Bears, Seahawks and Patriots fans are most interested in homes with wrap-around porches; Dallas Cowboys and Pittsburgh Steelers fans both want a backyard pool; and Broncos fans are into a house with good man cave potential. […]

Why thousands of New Yorkers’ property values are depressed by a total of $53M

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 01:00 PM PST

A new bill seeks to penalize financial institutions that fail to maintain foreclosed properties to the tune of $500 in fees per day based on report examining the state of foreclosed homes in New York City. The bill, to be put forward by Sen. Jeffrey Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester), came out of a Independent Democratic Conference report on New York’s foreclosed properties. According to the New York Post, the report found that about a third of the […]

America’s got three new neighborhoods in the works: which would you bet on?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 11:03 AM PST

Nebraska or California? The choice may not be so simple after you hear what developers are planning. Three new large-scale mixed-use developments were announced last week — two in California, one in Nebraska — adding thousands of units of housing to three different cities. These new neighborhoods designed for easy living will cost millions, if not billions, and the big question is, all things considered, will people buy into the vision. Which of these developments […]

Boston’s Fenway Center development is finally breaking ground

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 09:29 AM PST

Massachusetts-based developer John Rosenthal’s new $240 million project is getting underway after 15 years of attempted starts. Known as Fenway Center, Rosenthal’s mixed-use development will start with the construction of two resi buildings beside Fenway Park, which are due to break ground by the end of the year. With a combined area of more than 1 million square feet, the overall project will eventually include over 300 condo units and 37,000 square feet of retail […]

Here’s something to chew on: Check out the Wrigley empire’s mansion collection

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 07:00 AM PST

From mansions and ranches to custom vacation homes built throughout the U.S., the true legacy of chewing gum tycoon William Wrigley Jr. is, apparently, his real estate portfolio. The vast collection of properties continues to benefit his descendants decades after his death in 1932. When he died, Wrigley’s estate was worth about $40 million at the time — the equivalent of about $700 million today. With much of his investment tied up in real estate, […]

How much resi real estate is threatened by California fires

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 06:00 AM PST

As neighborhoods are evacuated and winds feed the Southern California blazes, not only are lives threatened, but about $2.8 billion worth of residential property hangs in the balance. Yesterday, high winds propelled the Thomas Fire, one of the state’s biggest in history, towards Montecito and Santa Barbara, where up to 3,000 people were ordered to evacuate from their homes. The expanded evacuation area — about 17 miles by 5 miles — includes mansions owned by […]