Plus, why a disinformation board is a bad idea, and more…
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May 4, 2022


The Real Fight for Abortion Rights Is Not in the Courts or Congress
Communities across the country have already been preparing for the end of Roe.
by Melissa Gira Grant
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Tuesday’s leaked draft decision is a fearsome template for overturning a slew of rulings that have shaped American life for decades.
by Matt Ford
To take away the right to privacy is to take a giant step backward in American history.
by Linda Coffee
Don’t ask me again for my vote if you’re just going to sleepwalk through the end of reproductive freedom—and democracy.
by Meredith Shiner
The United States banned the incredibly toxic pesticide DDT in the early 1970s. But it never went away.
by The Politics of Everything
An unsparing look back at her incredibly credulous statement when she voted to confirm Justice Brett Kavanaugh
by Michael Tomasky
It’s a desperate attempt to make it seem like it’s liberals, not the right, who are to blame for the court’s loss of legitimacy.
by Alex Shephard


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