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August 14, 2020
Beneath society’s plutocratic layer, America is not as united in the face of crisis as we like to pretend.
By Libby Watson
The Douglass Republic

How today's protests are struggling to reclaim the vision of the great abolitionist leader

By Jabari Asim
Can Kamala Harris Earn the Trust of Indian Country?

After working against tribal nations as California’s attorney general, she’s now in a position to advance the fight for their sovereignty.

By Nick Martin
The Secret History of Ronald Reagan’s Letters
Scholars have long relied on correspondence to peer into the minds of America’s presidents. But what if the letters were written by someone else?

By Rick Perlstein
A Novel Way to Fund a Green Economy
Instead of bailing out Exxon and other fossil fuel companies, a National Investment Authority could democratize finance and help ordinary people and their governments fight climate change.

By Kate Aronoff
The Inevitability of Defending Henry Kissinger
Barry Gewen’s biography is an exercise in downplaying the critics and justifying the abuse of power.

By Jim Sleeper
“Fiasco” Stars the Real Heroes of Boston’s School Desegregation

The latest season of Leon Neyfakh’s podcast is another forensic dissection of a well-known, but little-understood, part of American history.

By Josephine Livingstone
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