Every smart entrepreneur sets yearly goals…

But only a very small percentage actually achieve them.

And from the two decades I’ve been in business (plus the thousands of business owners I’ve coached)...

I’ve come to realize there’s ONE major reason why just a small circle of winners accomplish what they set out to do… 

While so many others fail.

You see, the simple fact is that most entrepreneurs try to rely on “willpower”.

They trick themselves into believing they can just work harder and “out hustle” everyone else.

But here’s the fundamental problem with that strategy:

If you rely on willpower you will ALWAYS be limited by your own stamina.

What does that mean?

If you’re pushing and grinding and willing yourself through every task all day…

When things actually get tough… you’ll simply run out of gas.


You need to install systems and habits that do the heavy lifting for you.

A lack of effective systems and habits is why people grab fast food for lunch…

...instead of preparing something healthy that will prevent disease and fuel their brain.

It’s why people screw around on social media, procrastinate on their priorities, and end up working until 8 or 9 pm.

And it’s why so many entrepreneurs don’t follow through on what they need to do to drive more sales… or build a team of A-players… or the dozen other things their business needs to grow. 

Because believe it or not…

Success ain’t all about having “grit”.

Don’t get me wrong — having the will to win is important…

But you need habits & systems that give you opportunities to win in the first place.

In 2008, Tiger Woods had the will to play on a nearly broken leg to win the U.S. Open at Torrey Pines…

But his habit of hitting 500+ balls per day and spending hours on the putting green are what got him there in the first place.

In 1997, Michael Jordan willed himself to play through severe food poisoning — and scored 38 points to beat the Utah Jazz in a crucial playoff game (yes, the legendary “flu game”)...

But practicing 1,000 jump shots per day and following Tim Grover’s training system is what put him in position to win that series.

These are two of the greatest athletes of all time… each considered the “GOAT” at their respective sport.

And a lot of that is because they didn’t have to think about everything they did in practice — or even in competition.

They could just go out there and execute.

While saving their energy, focus, and “willpower” for when they really needed it.

Of course…

You and I are not world class athletes at the peak of a professional sport.

But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take a page from the winning playbooks of legends like Tiger and MJ.

Because the key to improving your performance and having more success at ANY level…

…is making the process to get there as smooth, easy, and systematic as possible.

Done properly, this virtually eliminates the need for willpower.

You don’t have to think… 

You just DO

That's when success becomes an automatic byproduct of your daily actions…

Because you’re already living and operating like the world’s most successful people do.

I’ve got some important news coming tomorrow on this topic.

If implementing high performance systems and habits to achieve more in life sounds appealing to you…

Then you will definitely want to hear this.

Full update tomorrow.

I’m looking forward to filling you in.

Success Loves Speed,
