Plus, why the work of a political-economic transformation doesn’t stop at the ballot box, and more...
September 2, 2020
The Republicans’ Absurd Quest to Turn Biden Into Trump

The president’s reelection campaign is now an obsessive exercise in psychological projection.

By Matt Ford


The End of the Voter-Consumer The work of organizing a politically legible coalition of nonvoters is functionally the same as what’s needed for the left to win elections.
By Jesse A. Myerson
Covid Patients Are Receiving Eye-Popping Bills. It’s Not All Trump’s Fault. His plan to help with hospital charges is poorly designed. But even a well-crafted plan would have been no match for our inept health care system.
By Libby Watson
Elon Musk Thinks His Treatment of Workers Is a “Trade Secret” A wonky California legislative fight is a test of whether green jobs will be good jobs, too.
By Kate Aronoff


“The Whole Family Was Swept Away” Ronnie Scott lost his wife and neighbors in 2016’s deadly flash floods. Now he urges others to take environmental issues seriously.
By Kirsi-Marja Hayrinen-Beschloss
The Suburbs Are Still Hell Two new books by Jason Diamond and Eula Biss expose the fraught moral dilemmas of living in the ’burbs.
By Josephine Livingstone
Rotting Produce, Vacant Luxury Apartments, and Fake Scarcity in a Pandemic Leaving essentials like food and shelter to the whims of the market produces an extreme kind of disorganization.
By J.C. Pan


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