Plus, why herd immunity would be a disaster, and more...
October 26, 2020
The Republicans’ Familiar, Troubling Plan to Torpedo Biden’s Presidency

Fiscally reckless GOP leaders are already laying the groundwork to attack spending under a Democratic administration.

By Bruce Bartlett


Doctors Are Appalled by White House’s “Barbaric” New Coronavirus Strategy By “herd immunity,” the Trump administration means people should be encouraged to catch the coronavirus.By Melody Schreiber
The Future of the Democratic Party Is in PennsylvaniaWhy a new liberal-left coalition could be the key to unlocking America’s rural conservative vote.By Nikil Saval
The Legend of Roy CooperThe presidential race may be a toss-up in North Carolina, but the Democratic governor is cruising to reelection. What’s he doing right?By Nick Martin


Bob Murray Was Vicious to Both Workers and the EnvironmentThe deceased coal baron fought safety measures, presided over deadly mine collapses, allegedly sexually harassed his employees, and sued his critics to suppress free speech. Rest in peace?By Kate Aronoff
Scott Pruitt Was Even More Selfish and Vengeful Than We ThoughtA new lawsuit sheds light on whistleblower retaliation at the Environmental Protection Agency.By Natasha Geiling
How to Steal an Election A new documentary, “537 Votes,” takes viewers back to the 2000 Florida recount—and shows how little has changed since then.By Jeb Lund


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