There are over 21,951,000 millionaires in the United States. But not all of them are rich. Why? Because although they all have money… Many do not have freedom of time. They are financially wealthy… But when it comes to time — our other important (and much scarcer) currency — they are poor. Because they’re stuck constantly working to keep the money coming in. They feel like if they take more time off… all their success and the lifestyle they worked so hard to create for their family will go away. The fatal flaw in this mentality is that if you do the right things — you can always make more money. But once your time’s gone… you can never make it back. That’s why the richest people I know take vacations, rarely work weekends, and almost NEVER work more than 6 or 7 hours a day. Like my buddy Bedros Keuilian, for example… Even though he’s running multiple 8-figure businesses… He always makes time for other passion projects, weekly date nights, family dinners, and hangouts with his kids. Or my friend Joel Marion… Even as he was scaling his business to over $100 million… He still loved throwing huge parties and taking his family on regular trips around the world. Truly rich folks like these may have some planned sprints where the workload is more… But their “normal” is less. They refuse to be too busy making a living to make a life. And I don’t just mean playing golf or lying on a beach all day. I’m talking about having the freedom to choose those things sometimes… but also being able to choose what passions you want to pursue. Maybe that means focusing more on certain aspects of business that really fulfill you… Maybe it’s helping your kids get really good at baseball or soccer… Or maybe it’s not just donating money… but also giving some of your valuable time to help a charity or worthy cause. Things like this are the foundation for deeper, more meaningful relationships and a life fully lived. Many years from now… Do you want the eulogy at your funeral to be about how much money you made? Of course not. Because no one cares. Instead we want to be remembered for our contributions, our relationships, our impact. We want to have mattered. We want to be remembered by our children as loving and present parents… By our spouse as their rock and support system… And as teachers, leaders, and mentors within our networks and communities. Unfortunately, our opportunities to be those things are pretty limited if we’re working 14 hours a day. My entire life changed when I started focusing on taking my time back. My relationships improved and so did my mood… I made better decisions… and interestingly enough — I made more money too. I know how important this is because I’ve lived it. And I’ve helped entrepreneurs and business owners make this transformation hundreds of times. That’s why, if you’re working too much and living too little, I have some good news… This year for Black Friday we’re doing something completely different from anything we’ve ever done before. It’s something that’s GUARANTEED to help you put more time back on your clock each week… …While still accomplishing all your goals in business and living the life of your dreams. And while that is a theme for many of my programs and teachings (because it’s that important)… We’re about to take things to a whole new level. I can’t spill all the details yet because that would ruin the fun… But I can assure you… this is BIG. So if creating deep relationships, building generational wealth, and leaving a lasting legacy are important to you… Watch for my emails because I’ll be sharing more info over the next couple days. Success Loves Speed, Craig |