September 14, 2020
The Ridiculous War-Gaming of the 2020 Election

Trump’s opponents are so concerned that he might steal the election that they have forgotten to worry that he might simply win it.

By Osita Nwanevu


The Rhetorical Weapons of Liberal Nimbyism How a group of Manhattan liberals used the language of “community” to evict people living in temporary housing from their neighborhood.By Apoorva Tadepalli
The Democrats’ Excessive Bed-Wetting Over Joe Biden’s Campaign The party fears another Trump upset, and political journalists crave drama. That’s a perfect storm for a misleading media narrative.By Walter Shapiro
How Corporations Pillaged the Free Market Milton Friedman’s siren song of profit convinced lawmakers to stop worrying about people and hand big business limitless power.By Bruce Bartlett


Does Trump Care That the American West Is Aflame?The nightmare wildfires consuming California and Oregon have been greeted by the president’s treacherous silence.
By Matt Ford
The Problem With Redemption for WagnerWilla Cather, Thomas Mann, and WEB Du Bois all drew on his work. Hitler was his most fateful disciple. Has the composer’s legacy been misunderstood?
By Adam Kirsch
Susanna Clarke’s Piranesi Is a Hall of Wonders The follow-up to the bestselling “Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell” is a fraction of its length but has far more heft.By Josephine Livingstone


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