AccountantsWorld Daily News

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The Right Mindset for Client Accounting Services

(CPA Trendlines) - Do you want to follow your clients or lead them? Do you go to a doctor and tell him or her how to treat you, which tests to perform, and what medicines to use? No. You trust the doctor to perform professionally.

Payroll Relief promises: More profit, less work.

If you're unsure about which payroll processing tool can be profitable to your firm, you need not worry. You just need to upgrade. If you have Payroll Relief, it can create a 25% improvement in your practice and make payroll your most profitable service. LEARN MORE

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Why Vacation Home Losses Are Difficult To Deduct 
(TaxProf Blog) - A recent case teaches a great lesson about the limits of using beach houses as tax shelters. The taxpayers owned a beach house in Sea Ranch, California and rented it out. They had net losses. The Court did not allow them to deduct those losses to shelter non-rental income...

AICPA Issues Standard on Performing Examination Engagements 
(Accounting Today) - The American Institute of CPAs’ Auditing Standards Board issued an attestation standard for when auditors perform examination engagements with clients...SSAE No. 21 allows practitioners to offer an opinion, even if another party who is responsible for the underlying subject matter hasn’t first measured or evaluated the subject matter.

New Survey: Meet the CEOs Running America's Fastest-Growing Companies 
(Inc.) - Who are the Inc. 5000 founders? Our annual survey offers some insight.

ABLE Account Final Rules Provide Wide-ranging Guidance 
(JofA) - Eligible individuals with disabilities received guidance from the IRS on the rules regarding ABLE accounts. Tax-favored ABLE accounts allow eligible individuals to save money to meet qualified disability expenses.

It’s Official: Study Finds That Watching Cute Animals Is Good For Your Health 
(Good News Network) - There may be a good reason for why we love to watch little piglets and fluffy ducks online. Seeing adorable animals actually helps to reduce stress levels in humans, researchers at England’s University of Leeds have found. So try watching today's video and reap the benefits.

Offer Client Accounting Services in 90 days

To offer Client Accounting Services (CAS), you don’t need to be a big firm - and you don't need new clients. Learn how to leverage your existing skills and clients to start a profitable CAS practice. READ OUR POST

About AccountantsWorld

At AccountantsWorld, we value the crucial role that YOU play in core business services - accounting and payroll - just as much as you do.

That's why, since 2003, we've used the unprecedented power of the cloud to put you back in full control of your accounting and payroll services so you can best serve your clients, while raising your own firm's value and relevance. And we never sell our products or services directly to your clients.

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