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Read our five best stories of the week
August 27, 2022
The Right-Wing Christian Sect Plotting a Political Takeover
The New Apostolic Reformation doesn’t always admit its own existence, but it’s growing in influence in the Republican Party.
by Elle Hardy
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In a distinguished government career spanning more than half a century, he expertly steered America through two devastating pandemics. But given how Republicans have maliciously attacked him, why would anyone want to follow in his footsteps?
by Abdul El-Sayed
The rise of Timber Unity offers a worrying case study of how successful rural organizing can be when it’s bankrolled by the GOP.
by Britta Lokting
The president and media set far too lofty expectations last year that have dragged down his poll numbers among Democrats and distracted from all that he’s accomplished.
by Walter Shapiro
The United Kingdom has given a range of financial crimes a sheen of respectability.
by Geoffrey Wheatcroft
From The Politics of Everything Podcast:
More people are dying in traffic crashes. Is pandemic rage to blame?

by The Politics of Everything
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