TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 23, 2017

Behind the Right-Wing Plot Against Mueller

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Conservative media attempt to demonize the special prosecutor as a threat to America.  READ MORE»

Why Twitter and Facebook's Anti-Harassment Strategies Won't Stop the Trolls

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

By trying to make things better, social media platforms may be making things worse. READ MORE»

GOP's New Hunt For 'Crooked Hillary': A Last-Ditch Gamble to Save Trump?

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Jeff Sessions, Devin Nunes and Rand Paul are all on the Clinton case: So far only the right-wing media is buying. READ MORE»

Fight Harder and Smarter Against Trumpism

By Sonali Kolhatkar, Truthdig

While we ensure that lesser evils replace the worst evils, we also have to insist that no matter who is in power, our demands for social, racial, gender, environmental and economic justice be met. READ MORE»

Virginia Will Draw a Name From a Bowl to Decide House of Delegates Majority, Instead of Examining Digital Images of Paper Ballots

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

A 19th-century practice, instead of using 21st-century technology. READ MORE»

For Christmas, The GOP is Decimating the Middle Class

By Leo Gerard, AlterNet

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is a robbery.  READ MORE»

Federal Prosecutors Subpoena Deutsche Bank for Kushner Family Business Records: Report

By Noor Al-Sibai, Raw Story

It appears to be a separate investigation from the one headed by Rober Mueller. READ MORE»

Bigfoot, Bullets and Bud: My Insane Humboldt County Weed Harvest

By Tara Anaïse , Salon

Humboldt County floods with seasonal “trimmigrants.” At the camp where I worked, a revolution brewed. READ MORE»

How Right-Wing Sinclair Broadcasting is Building a Case for Privatizing Baltimore's Schools

By Jaisal Noor, Baltimore Beat

Using click-bait headlines, skewed statistics, and half-truths to push a narrative that portray's a city's schools as beyond redemption. READ MORE»

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