Check out the City Hike: LA route on AllTrails.

Hi friend,

Our volunteers, staff, and partners have been working hard to scout Koreatown and Downtown LA to create the PERFECT route for our very first City Hike: LA. We hope you’ll sign up for this fundraising event for our planet!

Have you seen our two route options yet? We have a long and a short route -- both are fantastic options! We’ve partnered with AllTrails, and they’ve created two custom maps for you to use at our City Hike on September 28*. It will come complete with water and restroom stops and support stations along the course (plus, you won’t get lost!). We’ll continue to add fun updates, so keep checking back!

We hope to see you there! 

Jessica Dean
Associate Director, Team Sierra
*To view the maps on mobile, download the AllTrails app. 
Team Sierra

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