TODAY'S TOP STORIES - January 25, 2018

Satanic Temple Triumphs in Red-State Battle for Abortion Rights

By Emily Bell, AlterNet

Chalk one up for the champions of religious freedom. READ MORE»

The GOP Has Gone All In on a Loony New Conspiracy Theory

By Laura Clawson, DailyKos

Republicans prove yet again that they simply have no shame. READ MORE»

Is Lou Dobbs Quietly Trump's Most Sinister Propagandist?

By Simon Maloy, Media Matters

Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson have some stiff competition. READ MORE»

World Leaders Plan Walkout During Trump's Davos Address

By Julia Conley, Common Dreams

Several African CEOs have called on the president to apologize for his racist remarks. READ MORE»

GOP Senate Candidate Self-Destructs in Spectacularly Sexist Facebook Post

By David Edwards, Raw Story

"I want to come home to a cooked dinner every night." READ MORE»

Progressive Activists Ambush Joe Manchin Before Vote to Confirm Big Pharma Executive

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The Democratic senator from West Virginia struggled to defend his decision. READ MORE»

Department of Justice Spokeswoman Goes Four Straight Minutes Without Answering a Single Question

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

CNN's Chris Cuomo could barely mask his disgust. READ MORE»

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