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As if the beautiful state of Florida didn't already have its hands full with Ron DeSantis and like, every member of the Trump family, a new contender has stepped up to stake his claim as the worst politician in town. Meet Fabián Basabe, current member of the Florida House of Representatives, former Manhattan socialite and reality star, perennial d-bag with a "bad boy" streak. He's married to a lingerie heiress and was once dubbed the "male Paris Hilton." His latest headline-making exploit? Allegedly slapping one of his aides in a room full of people at a party. But that's hardly the only scandal under his belt. 
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The Team Behind Raoul's Just Opened The Chicest Luncheonette
Turns Out Anna Wintour Doesn't Care About What You're Wearing...
Sag Harbor Is Getting A Buzzy New Eatery From A Michelin Chef
Um, Everyone Is Dissolving Their Butts Before Beach Season
This Fashionable Foodie Is Basically The Next Martha Stewart
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