This week in TNR’s books and culture
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August 30, 2022


The Search for Scientific Proof for Premonitions
In the 1960s, a British researcher launched one of the largest ever studies of people who believed they could see the future.
by Ian Beacock
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Felix Frankfurter warned that politicians, not the courts, should make policy.
by John Fabian Witt
On loving and loathing some of America’s most common public spaces
by Jillian Steinhauer
His vision of a tech-optimized future inspired a generation. But his true talent was for burnishing his own image.
by Rebecca Onion
The internet demands that women project desirability—at a level formerly reserved for movie stars.
by Philippa Snow
The United Kingdom has given a range of financial crimes a sheen of respectability.
by Geoffrey Wheatcroft
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