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July 16, 2020
Like much of her writing, the former New York Times editor’s resignation letter is long on accusation and thin on evidence.
By Alex Shephard
The Truth About Trump’s Evangelical SupportEvangelicals have successfully promoted a depoliticized vision of their movement. Its fundamental principles have plenty in common with Trump.

By Matthew Avery Sutton
Trump’s Campaign Doesn’t Need a New Manager. It Needs a New Candidate.
Brad Parscale’s demotion will do nothing to fix the president’s self-inflicted problems.

By Libby Watson
Twitter Is Not Prepared for the 2020 ElectionThis week’s unprecedented security breach revealed the platform’s terrifying flaws, and the potential chaos hackers could cause in the future.

By Alex Shephard
The Democrats’ Baffling Silence as Millions of Americans Lose Their Health InsuranceFive million have lost coverage amid the pandemic—a number that’s expected to triple by year’s end. But the party leadership isn’t reacting as though it’s a crisis.

By Libby Watson
The Strategic Blunders of the Conservative Legal MovementThe right's high-profile defeats at the Supreme Court in the past month aren't the product of liberal justices but the result of obvious tactical errors.

By Matt Ford
Why Is Biden Clinging to the Dream of Green Factories?
The candidate’s plan to “win the future” through American export domination has multiple problems.

By Kate Aronoff
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