What happens when public shaming becomes a law-enforcement tool?

The Shame Game

The internet has given us a new public square. Now law enforcement is trying to harness its power.

By Suzy Khimm

Not All Racist Monuments Should Be Torn Down

Preserving them risks legitimizing white supremacy, but removing them risks erasing our mistakes. Here's a third way.

By Zachary Fine

David Brooks and the Depths of the GOP’s Delusions

Lost in the fiasco surrounding Donald Trump is that the so-called moderate Republican candidates are almost as bad.

By Scott Lemieux

Brothers Grimsby: An Action-Comedy for Idiots

Sacha Baron Cohen's new movie is tepid and tasteless.

By Tim Grierson

Bernie Sanders Is Actually the Anti-Trump

Unwilling to rupture his party, Sanders has shown incredible staying power—but a possibly fatal reluctance to go for the kill.

By Jeet Heer

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