Under Chairman Pai, the Trump FCC is trying to bulldoze our democracy.
free press action fund

Hi there,

Under Chairman Ajit Pai, the Trump FCC is trying to bulldoze our democracy. If Pai and his Republican colleagues succeed, we’re looking at a future where a handful of enormous companies control our online experience — and shape most of the news and information we receive.

We can’t let that happen.

We’re taking on two of the biggest and most immediate threats to people’s rights to connect and communicate in the Trump era:

• The FCC’s vote to destroy Net Neutrality: We’re suing the FCC over its unpopular and harmful decision, and we’re mobilizing millions to pressure Congress to restore the strong open-internet protections. The FCC’s Net Neutrality rollback was just published in the Federal Register this morning, which means the rules are now official, and in 60 legislative days they will become law. We need to get just one more senator to sign on to a resolution undoing the FCC vote — but need to get about 75 more lawmakers on board in the House. We have a super-tight timeline in which to fight back.

• The Sinclair-Tribune merger: We’ve filed a formal challenge to this dangerous deal and helped get more than 100,000 people to sign a petition opposing it. That’s not all: When Pai fast-tracked a plan last year to erase long-standing media ownership rules in ways that directly benefit the right-wing Sinclair — and pave the way for its merger with Tribune — we filed a lawsuit challenging the rule changes. And with the FCC inspector general now investigating Pai and his aides to determine whether they improperly pushed for those rule changes, we’re demanding that Pai recuse himself from any decisions related to the merger.

We’re pulling out all the stops to derail, disrupt and defeat Pai’s dangerous agenda. Because we don’t take a cent from business, government or political parties, we need your support to keep our work going strong.

Please chip in $10 (or whatever you can) to build more momentum in the crucial weeks ahead.

With thanks—

Lucia, Carrie, Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund team

P.S. If FCC Chairman Pai has his way, companies like Comcast and the pro-Trump Sinclair Broadcast Group will become even more powerful. Please chip in $10 (or whatever you can) to help us fight back. Thank you!

The Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. The Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at freepress.net.

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