Dear WSWS readers,

Today's perspective on the WSWS documents the far-reaching campaign to censor the Internet. Today and tomorrow, the US Congress is holding hearings with social media companies to discuss new ways to suppress political opinion online, under the pretext of opposing "extremist content and Russian disinformation."

Google's blacklisting of the WSWS and other sites is one part of what the perspective calls "the greatest attack on the First Amendment since the Second World War."

The alarm must be sounded! Workers and young people throughout the world must be alerted to what is taking place.

The situation is urgent, and we need your support. Make a donation to the WSWS today. If you have already donated this month, thank you very much for your support. If not, please make as large a donation as you can afford.

The WSWS is specifically targeted because it is the voice of the working class, and the ruling elites around the world fear more than anything else the independent intervention of the broad mass of the population that is excluded from political life. There is a growing opposition, a growing hatred of social inequality and endless war.

Today, the WSWS article on the funeral of a young Ford worker in the US, who died after an apparent suicide, is being shared by tens of thousands of auto workers. The case reveals the horrific conditions of overwork and low pay faced by workers all over the world. And the response is an indication of the anger that is building up that must find political expression.

We need to produce more articles like this. We need to expand our coverage and reach ever broader layers of workers with a socialist perspective. We need to counter the censorship campaign of the ruling class. And we need your support to do this.

The World Socialist Web Site

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