TODAY'S TOP STORIES - February 15, 2018

There Is Some Surprising Progress for the Rights of Incarcerated Women

By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

Several states are fighting to put an end to the time when women prisoners do not even make enough to afford a box of tampons. READ MORE»

America's Voting Machinery Is Hackable, Falling Apart and Privatized—and the GOP Doesn't Care

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Democrats issue a startling report on voting vulnerabilities and propose legislation to protect upcoming elections. READ MORE»

Can We Stop Domestic Violence Before It Turns to Murder?

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

A Massachusetts women’s shelter’s innovative program may help prevent murder. Now they hope to take it nationwide. READ MORE»

Jim Hightower: The South Is Rising Again With a New Generation of Black Populist Leaders

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet

From Alabama to Mississippi, young progressives are turning the tide. READ MORE»

The Terrifying Danger of Trump’s Deteriorating Mental Health

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Is the Mueller investigation pushing him toward the nuclear button? READ MORE»

A Murderous Autocrat Is Now Quoting Members of Trump's Inner Circle Word for Word

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

Rodrigo Duterte's spokesman says the Philippine president should be taken "seriously, not literally." READ MORE»

CNN Analyst Phil Mudd Breaks Down in Tears On-Air While Discussing Florida High School Shooting


"Can not we acknowledge in this country that we cannot accept this?" READ MORE»

Rob Porter Is My Ex-Husband—Here’s What You Should Know About Abuse

By Colbie Holderness, The Washington Post

"I walked away from that relationship a shell of the person I was when I went into it." READ MORE»

‘There’s an Alternative to the Top-Down Capitalist Corporation’

By Janine Jackson, FAIR

An interview with Richard Wolff on questioning economic fundamentals. READ MORE»

As Deadly Flu Sweeps Country, Koch-Backed Group Fights Paid Sick Leave Policies Nationwide

By Amy Goodman, Juan González, Democracy Now!

Getting sick is not a crime. READ MORE»

Donald Trump's Infrastructure Con

By Leo Gerard, AlterNet

He promised so much and delivered so little.  READ MORE»

Former Republican Congressman David Jolly Says Only Democrats Can Be Trusted on Guns

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

The ex-representative called the U.S. a "broken nation" on gun issues. READ MORE»

4 Ways to Make Your Coffee Habit More Eco-Friendly

By Jillian Mackenzie, NRDC

Unless you buy, make and schlep your cup of joe with care, you could be hurting the planet. READ MORE»

'Joy Behar, Not Jewish': Deranged Fox News Segment Becomes an Amazing Trainwreck

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

The co-hosts were too busy being bigots to keep track of the facts. READ MORE»

Don Lemon Flat-Out Says 'Shut Up' to Those Who Claim It's Too Soon to Discuss Gun Control


The CNN anchor isn't tolerating this sick defense of gun culture any longer. READ MORE»

Reince Priebus Was Reportedly Inept and 'Clueless' in the White House

By Bob Brigham, Raw Story

“He was approaching the job like it was some combination of personal aide and cruise director." READ MORE»

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