TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 7, 2016

Trump Is an Eerily Perfect Match with a Famous 14-Point Guide to Identify Fascist Leaders

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Celebrated novelist Umberto Eco’s guide has breathtaking parallels to Donald Trump. READ MORE»

Moyers & Winship: The Speech Hillary Should Give Before Trump Takes Office

By Bill Moyers, Michael Winship,

America needs a watchdog, and Hillary needs to make the sales pitch. READ MORE»

Chomsky: Humanity Faces Real and Imminent Threats to Our Survival

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

From climate change to nuclear war. READ MORE»

If You Think You Can Start a 'Dialogue' with Trump's Supporters, Wake Up

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Those who elected Trump want to undo progress and harm black and brown people. Who cares what's in their hearts? READ MORE»

Trump Is Going to Inherit Powers Obama Has That Can Be Used to Surveil and Antagonize Muslims—Civic Leaders Call for Obama to Eliminate Them

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Regulations permitting a registry created by Bush are still on the books. READ MORE»

How to Debunk a Trump Hoax

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The president-elect gets his news from Alex Jones, but where does Jones get his news from?  READ MORE»

Fight for $15 Catches Nation's Attention With Surprise One-Day Strike

By David Moberg, In These Times

Even though it still has a long way to go, Fight for $15 has reason to celebrate. READ MORE»

Weed-Infused Coffee Pods, Anyone?

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

You can sip your weed instead of smoking it, at least in states where it's legal.  READ MORE»

Bodystockings Are All the Rage: Here's What's Behind the Boom

By Carrie Weisman, AlterNet

The lingerie world is experiencing a boom in fetish wear. READ MORE»

Right-Wing Confusion Runs Rampant in Their Invented 'War on Christmas'

By Kyle Mantyla, Right Wing Watch

The American Family Association and Liberty Counsel have released dueling “Naughty or Nice” lists. READ MORE»

Woman Explains Why She 'Gave Up on Hope' and Voted for Trump

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

Barack Obama didn't end poverty, so Carol Fraley voted for hate instead.  READ MORE»

Will Trump Start a War on China?

By John Pilger, AlterNet

Like the renewal of post-Soviet Russia, the rise of China as an economic power is declared an “existential threat” to the divine right of the United States to rule and dominate human affairs. READ MORE»

Meet Four Young Farmers Who Are Rising to the Challenge of Water Scarcity in the Western U.S.

By Chelsey Simpson, National Young Farmers Coalition

A new short film highlights the joys and challenges of being a young farmer in the arid West. READ MORE»

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