The war in Ukraine could push defense spending to grow annually as fast or faster than GDP for the balance of the 2020s.
From radars, missiles, satellites, and forward-looking infrared systems, to electronic warfare and communication systems, CarlisleIT ensures the reliability of the parts that connect them. This gives our military the ability to operate with confidence — no matter the environment in which they’re in — so they can focus on the mission at hand.
The FAA has finalized rules mandating inspections and modifications for Pratt & Whitney-powered Boeing 777s, completing a year-long process to develop fixes that address issues spotlighted in three engine failures and get grounded aircraft back into service.
Your Industry 4.0 Journey. When It Comes to Industry 4.0, the Journey is the Destination. Download this whitepaper to get a practical framework for digital transformation.
U.S. Air Force is optimistic about the schedule for the rollout and first flight.
Threats to the access and use of Space are growing. Find out how the UK, US and their space partners and allies plan to protect and defend this vital domain and next steps for space capability supremacy.
Greene Tweed’s Xycomp® DLF™ is an innovative, high-performance thermoplastic composite ideally suited for complex-shape structural components for a variety of critical applications. Xycomp® components provide weight savings of 35% versus aluminum and 40% versus steel or titanium.
The first new U.S. stealth bomber in over 30 years is scheduled to roll-out later this year. The Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider's capabilities and features remain one of the Air Force's most closely guarded secrets. A panel of Aviation Week editors will discuss everything they've learned about this instrumental warplane from over a decade of accumulated reporting, as well as provide some key new details about what the Air Force plans to reveal to the world later this year.
Attend MALMS to learn about the latest cybersecurity threats and challenges faced by the military aircraft sustainment and logistics community from industry experts. MALMS drives the U.S. military to partner with the private sector for rapid innovation, process improvements and increased operational readiness.
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