A long, long time ago, God had incarnated in the form of a great prince, Rama. He was as powerful and brave as he was wise and strong. He was beloved of his subjects. But such is the drama, such is the play of God...
This past weekend around the country, a population largely still in self-isolation came out to protest a long-standing issue of our nation. Many of us asked: What can I do?
We are on the eve of a great change. The world is not on a downward swing as many think. The challenges now facing the world are bringing the lessons needed to move civilization toward a new dawn.
The fight is on between two mighty warriors! One is superior to all creatures in intellect while the second player has shown its power to decimate the former despite its microscopic size.
For many years Spiritual Renewal Week has transformed truth-seekers through inspiration by a tangible divine presence and connection with people worldwide who share aspirations.
Because no simple answer applies for everyone, we've collected evidence from many friends who live at Ananda Assisi, inspiring this practice and keeping motivation high.
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