Plus, Biden's path forward after the convention, and more...
August 26, 2020
The Surprising Boredom of Trump’s Circus Show

If the Republican convention were a TV series, it would be canceled mid-season.

By Walter Shapiro



The Chaos of Reopening Schools New York City schools are supposed to be back in session in September. Are they ready?Hosted By Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene
The Sad Spectacle of Talking About Native Rights at Trump’s Racist Circus Navajo Nation Vice President Myron Lizer kept a straight face, but there is no Native case for the president.
By Nick Martin
The Corporate Chaos Behind Republicans’ Silence on Climate Change Speakers aren’t even taking the time to deny climate change at the Republican convention. They’re just ignoring it.By Kate Aronoff


The NBA Is White Conservatives’ Favorite New Target for Racial Dog-Whistling With Covid-19 throttling the entertainment industry, basketball is caught in the crosshairs of the culture war.
By John Wilmes
Scientists Really Wish Trump Hadn’t Made That Covid Plasma Announcement The emergency use authorization will make plasma and immunology research much harder—not ideal during a pandemic.By Melody Schreiber
The Whitney Museum’s Careless Attempt to Curate a Summer of Black Uprising The self-appointed guardians of America’s visual heritage are at it again.By Josephine Livingstone


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