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The Surprising New Openness to God

A couple years ago, my wife, Grace and I made friends with a new couple. We hung out a few times and had them over for dinner. We talked about our families and common interests and hobbies. Eventually the topic of God came up and we mentioned we were Christians. They weren’t churchgoers, they said, but they added that they were open to going. We suggested a few churches they might check out and the conversation moved on.

A few months later, we got a message from them saying they’d checked out one of the churches. They’d heard an Eastern sermon that presented the gospel in a clear and compelling way, and they accepted Christ. Now they’re flourishing in their faith. They’re heavily involved in their church and inviting new people. We were thrilled!

I wish we could take credit, but the truth is, they were open already. They just needed a nudge. It was surprising to me because somehow, I picture non-Christians as mostly hardened skeptics; people who have a long list of doubts about God that need to be addressed before they could even think about coming to faith. But the truth is, many are open already.

I thought of this reality, when I read this fascinating article that details “the rise of the Christian-curious agnostic: the modern individual who still wonders whether there may be some truth (or at least usefulness) in the ancient Judeo-Christian story their ancestors once believed.” The author explores the trend and gives practical tips for how to talk to such people. Read: How to Talk to a Christian-Curious Agnostic.

And while you’re at it, check out our resource on Doable Evangelism. Use the handouts in this resource, which include strategies on how to get a conversation started and capture the attention of others, to give you confidence and put others at ease.

Drew Dyck Drew Dyck
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