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Mental Training book for swimmers - Conquer the Pool
Here’s an obvious statement…

A huge part of our sport is mental.

Whether it’s finding ways to persevere through a hard set, bounce back after a brutal workout, or manage those pesky pre-race nerves, the way we swim is largely a reflection of the mindset we bring to the pool.

And yet…

How much time do you spend working that part of your swimming?

A better mindset is like swimming with fins and paddles on!
The benefits of having a better mindset in the water are pretty obvious…
  • You are better able to cope with adversity (tough sets, injuries, worldwide pandemic, etc)…
  • You understand how to regulate your emotions to maximize performance (psyching yourself up when necessary, calming things down when it is called for)…
  • And yup, with all of those better mental skills, you are going to swim faster, more often.
But perhaps more importantly, having a better mindset in the water gives you a healthier relationship with the sport.

You don’t dwell as much on stuff. You learn from mistakes (and victories!). And you quite literally enjoy the process, the training, the journey.

But often swimmers pump the brakes on doing any kind of meaningful work on their mindset because:
  • Working on mental skills means something is “wrong” with them. Nope, working your mindset simply means building on what is already there and removing the parking brakes on your performance. You aren’t broken, just swimming with a mental wool sweater on.
  • Mental skills look confusing and hokey. Visualization, self-talk, goal setting, confidence—these are all proven skills that you can sharpen to become a faster swimmer. Although these skills look hard to measure and can appear abstract, with some simple instruction and consistency, they become much clearer.
  • It’s something you have or you don’t. Again, not so much! One study (Hatzigeorgiadis et al, 2013) found that when a group of competitive swimmers worked on their self-talk over a ten-week period, they dropped 1.5% more time than the control group (their teammates!). Your mindset is something you can choose to improve. Like your technique, your bench press, or your ability to power down a large pizza in one sitting.
These myths abound when it comes to mental training.

And it’s one of the reasons that I wrote  Conquer the Pool: The Swimmer’s Ultimate Guide to a High Performance Mindset.
Conquer the Pool
Mental training finally made simple

Conquer the Pool is a mental training workbook—an actual book, made of paper, brawn, and chlorinated excellence—that will guide you through the process of becoming a mentally bulletproof swimmer.

The book features 290+ pages of techniques, tips and lessons on how to finally get achieve the hardest thing of all…

The mindset you desperately need to help you perform like a total boss both in practice and when you get up on the blocks.

From setting goals that are proven to be more effective, to creating a process that you can place on auto-pilot for faster swimming, to building the race day routine that will maximize all of the sweat, tears, and bruised hands (slapping hands mid-lap, ouch!), Conquer the Pool will equip you with the mindset to, well, conquer your PB’s.

Inside you will learn:
  • The right way to focus in practice (there’s different types of focus?).
  • How to suffer like a champion. Swim practice is hard, but pain can be your ally. You will learn how to suffer the right kind of pain with a series of pain-coping tricks and strategies.
  • Try this little visualization trick to immediately boost your in-practice results.
  • Strategies for improving your times and performance in practice starting today, including visualization techniques.
  • A group of techniques for improving your self-talk. Powering up your self-talk is pound-for-pound the best thing you can do for your swimming, and you will learn how to take yours to the next level.
  • What kind of mindset you need when you step up on the blocks. (Hint: it’s completely different from the one you use in practice.)
  • How to deal with every swimmer’s biggest nightmare–choking. You will get a list of tools and strategies that will help you keep calm and poised and be prepared to lock and load on your personal best times.
This is just the tip of the iceberg.

The book was written with the input and feedback of almost 200 Olympic champions, head coaches, NCAA champions, and current and former world record holders.

(You might have seen Cody Miller talk about it last fall on his YouTube channel… his age group coach uses the book with his senior group, and his current coach provided feedback on the book.)
Conquer the Pool book pages
What people are saying about Conquer the Pool
  • “I really like the layout of this book. This has become my go-to book for my mental training sessions with swimmers I coach.” – Brian Lindsay, head coach, Chatham Y Sharks Swim Team
  • “I highly recommend that every swimmer get this book… Coaches—you should encourage your athletes to get a copy of even think about getting one for every swimmer on your team—it is that helpful.” – Ryan Woodruff, head coach, Lynchburg Y Swim Team
  • “This is the best book I have ever seen concerning mental training.” Ray Benecki, head coach, The FISH Swim Team
And of course, if your mindset isn’t kicking into high-performance within 60 days, I will refund you your money.

That is how sure I am that this book will rock your chlorinated socks off.

Ready to get started unlocking that high-performance mindset of yours?
Learn More!
PS: Maybe you are wondering if we do team orders with Conquer the Pool... And the answer would be, you know it.

Lots of teams have taken advantage of our team discount and custom branding, including UBC Thunderbirds, Cal Berkeley, London Aquatic Club, Notre Dame Swimming, Dayton Raiders, Orinda Aquatics, and many more.

You can get more information on team orders (and a complimentary estimate) by clicking here.
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