Amazon's AI Gotcha; Tech for 2019 and Beyond; New Rules for Facial Recognition; and More...

InformationWeek Data Analytics
October 22, 2018
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Top Strategic Predictions for 2019
Blockchain, AI, facial recognition? Here are Gartner's top strategic predictions for 2019 and beyond, delivered during the Gartner Symposium/ITExpo.

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Amazon's HR Gaffe Demonstrates Important Points

Amazon recently proved it isn't infallible when it shut down a human resources system that was systematically biased against women. However, there's more to the story that today's enterprise leaders should know.
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Verizon Analytics Project Predicts Networking Issues

Hate it when your internet goes down? Verizon's director of network performance analytics has created a system to predict equipment failures before they impact customers.
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The Coming Wave of Regulation over Facial Recognition

More applications utilizing facial recognition are inevitable in the public and private sectors, and those will generate plenty of new rules and regulations.
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Structure Your Analytics Team for Success in the Age of AI

The data team structure that your company has used for a few years needs to turn its focus to results and putting analytics tools in the hands of business units.
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The Insider Threat: Real Defense for Real Businesses
How do you detect and mitigate insider data leaks and reduce the potential for such incidents in the...
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The Unstoppable Progression of Object Storage
New developments in gateways, plugins, and more, offer far more value to users of object storage tha...
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IT Salary Survey 2018: How Much Do IT Pros Earn?
Compare your salary to the median pay for 12 popular IT job titles. Read More
10 Ways AI Will Alter the Future of Work
No matter what industry you're in, artificial intelligence is likely to affect your job. Here's how. Read More
10 Roadblocks to Becoming a Data-Driven Enterprise
Nearly 100% of enterprises want to become more data-driven, but less than a third have accomplished that goal. Read More
The Next Generation of IT Support
The workforce is changing as businesses become global and technology erodes geographical and physical barriers.IT organizations are critical to enabling this transition and can utilize next-generation tools and strategies to provide world-class support regardless of location, platform or device Read More
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