Kerri's pick
Book of the week

Every now and then, I drop an Agatha Christie novel into my summer reading. Perplexing puzzles, vivid settings and flawed, fascinating character studies.

This summer I’ll read “Crooked House,” one of Christie’s self-proclaimed favorites.

It was adapted into a film in 2017 starring Glenn Close and Gillian Anderson. It is also on Amazon Prime.

The novel opens in post World War II rural England, where Charles and Sophia, who met on war-time duty in Egypt, are reunited at Sophia’s family estate, Three Gables.

That’s where Sophia’s wealthy grandfather has died and it’s quickly apparent that someone in the house connived to send him into an unnatural grave.

Charles’ father is an inspector at Scotland Yard and Christie sparkles as each member of the household — the grandfather’s young avaricious widow, Sophie’s hanger-on parents, the former nanny and more — fall under suspicion.

Read the novel and then stream the film. Early reviews say the vituperative dinner table dialogue should not be missed.
This week on The Thread
‘Get Out’ meets ‘The Stepford Wives’ in Nicola Yoon’s new thriller

New York Times bestselling author Nicola Yoon says it took years for the ideas in her new novel, “One of Our Kind” to marinate. But once she started writing, it only took her six weeks to write this satire about race and privilege.

On this week’s Big Books and Bold Ideas, Yoon joins MPR News host Kerri Miller to talk about what led her to write a book about finding the sinister in a Shangri-La. When does our natural bent to protect and enjoy become destructive? What is the true meaning of community?
Ask a Bookseller: ‘Women of Good Fortune’ by Sophie Wan

Mojade Adejokun of Paper Hearts Bookstore in Little Rock, Ark., recommends the novel “Women of Good Fortune” by Sophie Wan for your next fun summer read.

‘This Great Hemisphere’ tackles racism, classism and political power struggles

Mateo Askaripour’s sophomore novel “This Great Hemisphere” is a sprawling speculative-fiction narrative that tackles racism, classism and the perpetual power struggle of politics. But it also delivers a heartwarming story about a young woman learning to navigate the world.
8 hot new love stories from a stellar lineup of Black authors

Some of the most fabulous romances by Black authors still fly under the radar. So we have recommendations for your summer reading enjoyment.
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