Dear Friend,
It’s been almost four weeks since the March economic stimulus bill, CARES Act, expired and with it the ability for many Americans to pay their bills and rent and even to eat. Meanwhile the Republicans, spurred on by the soulless Donald Trump, continue to play politics as our communities’ livelihoods are consumed by the pandemic.
How can such incompetence and total disregard for our neighbors living day-to-day go unchecked?
Only you can help us try to keep this administration on the straight and narrow: You can make a donation to The Fund for The New Republic to support our rigorous, uncompromising work in print and online. You’ll be fortifying TNR and one of our new verticals “Sold Short,” dedicated to commentary on inequality, justice, and labor, like…
Nick Martin’s “The Obvious Futility of One-Time ’Stimulus’ Checks”
J.C. Pan’s “The Wildly Unequal ‘Shecession’”
Jason Linkins’s “Don’t Just Save the Postal Service. Reinvent It.”
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Kerrie Gillis, publisher
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