Dear John,

Happy Earth Day! Sending thoughts your way for a wonderful day.

In case you're looking for creative ways to celebrate, I want you to have our popular list of 50 Earth Day Activities. There's something in here for everyone. While it may sound like a lot to sort thorugh, the list is broken up into categories of activities with natural materials, recycled materials, and the great outdoors.

Five Easy Earth Day Activities

Here are some of our favorites that you can easily pull off with little preparation:

Pinecone and peanut butter bird feeder - pinecone, peanut butter, oats, bird seed

Make land art - leaves and other natural materials

Draw shadows - chalk and some sun

Make an outdoor mural - paper, paint, and a fence (plus decent weather)

Build a mud kitchen - an old table or crate, old bowls and spoons, dirt, water

TinkerLab Schoolhouse

The doors to Schoolhouse are open! This is a great time to nurture your family's creative habit, and we'll help you fill your days with kid-tested process art and STEAM projects. Each month comes with a calendar of meaningful activities and supply lists for kids 3-10.

Join today to lock into the founder's rate. We're just getting started and look forward to growing this new program with you!

Wishes for good health,

Rachelle Doorley

Founder, TinkerLab

Books: TinkerLab: A Hands-on Guide for Little Inventors + Creative Adventures in Cursive

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