Dear John,
I hope you're doing as well as possible in this uncertain time. The last time we talked, I shared how I've been slowly creating a digital art + creativity program while finishing up my latest book. There was still a lot to do and we had a few rounds of user testing planned for the months ahead. And then the world changed.
Now that so many kids are at home and in need of creative learning opportunites and just some fun, we doubled down this week to bring TinkerLab Schoolhouse to life. We worked with our web host to set up the site (thank you, Jay!), our friend Anna who created this month's Maker Challenge, and so many of our readers who shared thoughts about what they really need help with right now. Our goal was to get it ready enough to share with you today, because in a poetic way, it's also my birthday :)
TinkerLab Schoolhouse is a digital magazine, loaded with creativity-boosting activities for the whole family. You'll find process-based art proejcts, our popular daily art prompts, monthly maker challenges, STEAM activities, drawing inspiration, planner sheets, a virtual community of maker families, and a growing vault of our favorite resources.
If there's ever a time to launch this program it's now, and while it's still a work in progress, we're inviting you to join us and help us build the creative community you're looking for. Everyone who signs up before May 4 (and May the Fourth be with you!) will receive Schoolhouse free for 45 days. We hope to get the word out to as many people as possible, so please feel free to share this resource with friends and family.
Wishes for good health,
Rachelle Doorley
Founder, TinkerLab
Read my books: TinkerLab: A Hands-on Guide for Little Inventors + Creative Adventures in Cursive