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May 13, 2017


Top Seven Investment Ideas from the Sohn Conference

Hedge fund gurus, including David Einhorn and Bill Ackman, offered up their best investment ideas for 2017 at the Sohn conference in New York. Here are the highlights.

Merrill Lynch Reveals New Plan For Commission-Based IRAs

Michael Thrasher

The brokerage is rolling out a commission-based retirement account on its advisory platform for investors who do not need ongoing, annual management.

Bogle and Buffett’s Advice Is Good, But You Can Do Better

Jon Stein, Betterment CEO

It's time to evolve past the traditional 90/10 investment portfolio into something that's globally diverse, with tax optimization.

UBS the First to Bring BlackRock's Aladdin to Advisors

Michael Thrasher

UBS advisors will now have access to a version that includes multi-asset portfolio analytics and one-click analysis of their entire book of business.

Cetera Works With Envestnet to Unify Advisor and Client Technology

Ryan W. Neal

The first component of Cetera’s new tech stack consolidates the firm’s three core advisor-driven investment programs into one dashboard.

FINRA Approves New Proposal To Reel In High-Risk Brokers

Michael Thrasher

A comment period will follow a coming regulatory notice.

Envestnet Presents Vision For Future Of Advisor Technology

Ryan W. Neal

At its annual Advisor Summit, Envestnet showed how it plans to stay ahead in the wealthtech race.

The True Value of Inflection Points

Jamie Price, Advisor Group CEO

What will be the big disruptor in 2022? Advisor Group CEO Jamie Price tells advisors to view its inevitable arrival as an opportunity.

No Attorney’s Fees After Estate Successfully Avoids Penalties

Stephen J. Putnoki-Higgins

Decision turns on definition of “prevailing party.”

Four Simple Tips for Engaging With Long Distance Clients

Stephen Boswell and Kevin Nichols

It's harder to get social with out-of-state clients. Here are the ways it can be done.