The Barefoot Writer Club
Hello Writer's Digest Subscriber,
With so many opportunities to get paid for your writing talents these days, the decision about which one to choose can be overwhelming. But some are definitely more lucrative than others.
That's just the way it is - some contracts are bigger, some royalties are fatter, and some publishers pay $3 a page while others pay $300.
Obviously, you want to spend as much of your writing life at the high end of the scale as you can.
Why accept pennies a word when you could be making dollars for the same work?
Let me make life easier for you.
I'm Rebecca Matter, President of American Writers & Artists Inc. (AWAI). Each year, I pay dozens of freelancers to work for me - and I've never expected any of them to accept penny-per-word wages.
I understand that good writing talent is worth much more ... and there are thousands of publishers just like me out there, looking to pay professional rates to professional writers like you. To help you connect with them, I've put together a special report highlighting nine of the most lucrative writing opportunities available to you right now.

And you can get a copy of it free, right now, simply by clicking here.
Inside, you'll discover the full details of each opportunity ... the standard project fees ... the types of companies and projects you'll be able to write for ... and, most importantly, EXACTLY how to get started.
Once you've read it, you can be confident you know where the deepest pools of opportunity are and that you're not missing a single chance to make the most (financially speaking) of your writing talents.
Plus, you'll even have the chance to meet dozens of writers - including some of your fellow Writer's Digest subscribers - who've used these same opportunities to transform their lives from all over the world.
Simply click here to get access to this valuable FREE report immediately.
To your success,
Rebecca Matter President, American Writers & Artists Inc. (AWAI) Founder, Wealthy Web Writer