TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 23, 2018

How a Town Took on a Racist Billionaire Politician and Won

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Proto-Trump Carl Paladino is the centerpiece of Field of Vision's new documentary "Adversary." READ MORE»

Team Trump's Smear Campaign Against Mueller Gets Serious: Will He Survive?

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Now the right launches a last-ditch crusade against Mueller’s integrity, as Trump (again) contemplates firing him. READ MORE»

Why Mandatory Drug Tests at Work Are Fundamentally Racist

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

Black people are more likely than white people to be fired for failing a drug test. READ MORE»

A Scenario as Crazy as Trump: President Fires Mueller and Orchestrates Own Impeachment to Grab More Power

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Democrats could be baited while House Republicans would control the impeachment process. READ MORE»

Should We Really Be Allowing the Pentagon to Teach Target Practice to Teens on Campus?

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

One teacher is on a mission to prove there's no place for guns in schools. READ MORE»

6 Questions for A.G. Sulzberger, the New Publisher of the New York Times

By Andrew Bacevich, TomDispatch

Will the Times continue to go to bat for ill-fated wars? READ MORE»

Trump's China Tariffs Are Designed to Help Corporations While Hurting Working Americans

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

Previous analysis has found that tariffs hurt low-income people and women the most. READ MORE»

How YouTube Acts as a Conspiracy Conduit

By Justin Anderson , FAIR

The video platform enables harassment of shooting survivors. READ MORE»

Monsanto’s Toxic Legacy: An Investigative Reporter Talks Glyphosate

By Tracy Frisch, In These Times

The American food system is dependent on harmful pesticides. READ MORE»

Could the Fossil Fuel Industry Start Drilling for Oil in Your Local Park?

By Chelsea Batten, AlterNet

A fight between Big Oil and local residents in Kalamazoo serves as a cautionary tale. READ MORE»

Four Defense Lawyers Turned Down Recent Offers to Join Trump's Legal Team

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

The president is finding serious attorneys want nothing to do with him. READ MORE»

Climate Activist Who Shut Off Tar Sands Pipeline Won't Face Jail Time

By Stephen Kent, AlterNet

"Necessity defense" in climate cases is a rapidly evolving area of law. READ MORE»

Trump Considers Eliminating Chief of Staff Position Entirely, Preferring to Go It Alone

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

The president had been repeatedly frustrated by chief of staff John Kelly in recent months. READ MORE»

First Major U.S. City Bans Fur

By Kitty Block, AlterNet

San Francisco's new ban is a milestone in a global war against fur that is gaining momentum. READ MORE»

Saudi Crown Prince Welcomed in U.S. as Trump Touts Weapons Deals

By Amy Goodman, Nermeen Shaikh, Democracy Now!

It’s troubling the way the Western press is eating up the propaganda of the Saudi regime. READ MORE»

Watch Kellyanne Conway Say Kids Should Just 'Eat the Ice Cream' Instead of Using Opioids

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

The White House aide's comments reflect the administration's larger failure to understand the opioid crisis. READ MORE»

WATCH: #LessOilMoreWater, Amazon Communities Are Banding Together to Demand Clean Water

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

An ambitious project to clean up what Big Oil ruined. READ MORE»

Trump Is Reportedly Adding a Prominent Anti-Mueller Fox News Pundit to His Legal Team

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

The president has an affinity for TV lawyers. READ MORE»

Watch MSNBC Host Chris Matthews Denounce John Bolton As 'Godfather of Stupid Wars'

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

The president's new national security adviser is terrifying everyone. READ MORE»

House Intel Republicans Seriously Cited Kushner Russian Backchannel Attempt as Evidence Against Collusion

By Cody Fenwick, AlterNet

The committee's initial report was released Thursday, but it had already been widely discredited. READ MORE»

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