TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 15, 2017

To Fight and Survive Trump's Presidency, We Must Understand the Appeal of Authoritarianism in All of Us

By Jeremy Sherman, AlterNet

Our president is an extreme case, but no one is immune to the authoritarian urge. READ MORE»

The Tragedy of 'Mountain Dew Mouth' and the U.S.'s Insane Approach to Dental Care

By Anna Sanford, AlterNet

Lack of dental care is causing a mouthful of trouble—and it will get worse. READ MORE»

Lessons of the 'Softball Shooting': Gun Makers' Marketing Ensures That Gun Violence Feeds on Itself, and No One Is Safe

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Guns are largely marketed to right-wing male power fantasies, but this latest tragedy shows that no one is immune. READ MORE»

If Trump Tries to Fire Mueller, It Might Be Up to This Woman

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Associate Attorney General Rachel Brand may soon face a historic decision. READ MORE»

A Conservative and Two Liberals Swapped News Feeds—It Didn't End Well

By Ron French, Bridge

"I had to turn it off because I got so irate I literally feel like I want to kill somebody.” READ MORE»

How the Media Missed the Biggest Political Surprise of the Year

By Adam Johnson, AlterNet

Jermey Corbyn's left-wing surge shows the model of predicting winners and losers has been upended.  READ MORE»

Will Mexico Go for the Anti-Trump Candidate?

By Lauren Kaori Gurley, AlterNet

A left-wing populist is leading in Mexico’s 2018 presidential polls. READ MORE»

Bernie Sanders 'Sickened' to Learn the Alexandria Shooter Once Volunteered for His Campaign

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"Real change can only come about through nonviolent action." READ MORE»

Jeff Sessions Should Learn from the Past Mistakes of Fighting the Drug War

By Anthony Papa, AlterNet

Using mandatory minimum sentencing was a proven failed policy that became a poison to the criminal justice system READ MORE»

Do Poor People Eat More Junk Food Than Wealthier Americans?

By Jay L. Zagorsky, Patricia Smith, The Conversation

It's time to regulate the fast food industry. READ MORE»

5 Reasons Why Trump's Latest Absurdity, 'Workforce Development Week,' Flopped

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

After a failed "infrastructure week," mixed messaging coupled with a bad budget created major roadblocks. READ MORE»

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