Fat Tail Daily

‘I worry that it looks more like the '70s than we've seen before..’ warns JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon. He's not alone. Former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers agrees: ‘The current inflation regime is closer to that of the 1970s than it may at first appear...’ Are we headed for a repeat of the economic nightmare that destroyed Australia 50 years ago? Our new report reveals five chilling signs that say ‘YES’ — and the steps you can take now to protect your wealth. Go here to read more...

The Trilogy Trade Is up 12% in Two Weeks

Saturday, 22 June 2024

Murray Dawes
By Murray Dawes
Editor, Retirement Trader and Fat Tail Microcaps

[2 min read]

Dear Reader,

Fat Tail Investment Research

Hands up who is bored to death of this market?

The last four months has been worse than watching paint dry. Volatility is plummeting as market breadth continues to deteriorate.

A few hot stocks keep marching higher and the rest of the market is dead.

That’s why I’m so interested in the current set up in oil. It is about the only game in town that looks remotely close to an exciting move.

If you are a regular reader you will know that I think Brent crude oil above US$95.00 will look super bullish. I am preparing members of my trading services to attack the opportunity because there is little else on offer in such a stagnant market environment.

In today’s Closing Bell video, I give you an update on the situation because oil has jumped 12% in the last two weeks. The situation is touch and go because the long-term trend turned up recently but the confirmation trigger for a trade hasn’t gone off. Yet.

Members of my more conservative trading service Retirement Trader caught the big move in uranium last year before it went vertical and also jumped into a bunch of gold stocks late last year just before gold rocketed to a new all-time high.


WHO WILL RULE The New Aussie Mining Boom?

In the last great boom, a no-name miner called Allied Mining and Processing went from 2 cents to $10 in five years.

You know them today as Fortescue Metals Group.

Is there a similar no-name mining disruptor emerging in 2024?
Maybe…CLICK HERE to discover five top candidates…

If you have followed Closing Bell for a while, you don’t need to believe what I’m saying because you saw it for yourself.

That’s why I’m calling the bet on oil my trilogy trade. It’s the third big opportunity in a year that’s worth going after, in a market that isn’t offering much more than a kick in the pants.

You can gain access to my special report on this brewing opportunity until midnight on Monday, 24 June, by clicking this link. We are reopening access to it for a few days because oil prices are starting to move and I think the risk/reward equation is compelling.

If you need a recap on the oil price and how the chart looks now that oil has jumped 12% in two weeks, watch the Closing Bell video above and then check out my special report after that.


Murray Dawes Signature

Murray Dawes,
Editor, Retirement Trader and Fat Tail Microcaps

PS: Major banks are forecasting new highs for gold. What do they know that you don't? Click here to discover five signs pointing to a 1970s-style economic meltdown and the critical role gold could play in protecting your wealth.


Murray Dawes is our resident expert trader and portfolio manager. He is a former Sydney Futures Exchange floor trader who went on to design custom trading systems and strategies for ultra-wealthy clients (including one of Australia’s richest families). Today, his mission is to help ordinary Aussie investors make profitable investments, while expertly managing risk.

He uses his proprietary system for his more conversative and longer-term-focused service Retirement Trader…and then applies the same system to the ultra-speculative end of the Australian market in Fat Tail Microcaps (this service is strictly limited and via invitation only).

All advice is general advice and has not taken into account your personal circumstances. Please seek independent financial advice regarding your own situation, or if in doubt about the suitability of an investment.



Revealed: the investments that could save your portfolio from the 1970s style meltdown that’s coming...

Plus...discover six stocks to ditch in this environment

Click here to learn more

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