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July 17 2020
Unidentified federal agents in Portland detained protesters without cause—a predictable consequence of law enforcement becoming more like the military, and vice versa.
By Libby Watson
The Empathy of Black VotersResearch shows that African Americans support candidates from marginalized groups, including LGBTQ people, more than their white counterparts.

By Gabriele Magni and Andrew Reynolds
The Threat of a GOP That Accepts Climate Change

The Republican Party could be ready to discard climate denial. But you might not like what comes next.

By Kate Aronoff
Will Big Philanthropy Defang Our Radical Moment?The Open Society Foundations and other massive organizations have pledged to support Black-led racial justice work. Is that a blessing or a curse?

By J.C. Pan
The Forever War Over War LiteratureA post-9/11 veteran novelist explores a post-Vietnam literary soiree gone bad, and finds timeless lessons about a contentious and still-evolving genre.

By Matt Gallagher
Cities Are Becoming Climate Death TrapsA new era of heat waves is here. We aren’t ready.

By Eric Margolis
The Ethical Dilemma of My Parents’ Death Wish

They wanted to see their grandchildren, despite the risk of catching the coronavirus. I couldn’t say no.

By Casey Taylor
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