Fifteen years ago my business was going so well I hit rock bottom and suffered from crippling anxiety attacks.
This was because of what I call The Paradox of Freedom. You see this in rock stars, movie stars, the rich kids of Instagram. No rules. No boundaries. Total freedom. Complete disaster. Mike Tyson is a famous case. He surrounded himself with Yes Men. No one told big Mike “No, you can’t buy that tiger.” $300 million later he was broke. For that younger me back in 2006, my online fitness business was going so well it allowed me to quit my job as an in-person personal trainer. And as an entrepreneur, you know that when you don’t have a 9-to-5, work – especially work we love – can turn from a 9-5 into 5am to 9pm. We can literally work all the time. So that’s what I did. I worked all the time. I also partied all the time. Because hey, that’s what successful Internet Marketers do, right? It all caught up to me in March of 2006. One sunny morning (the kind of day you wait all winter for in Canada) I woke up with a sense of impending doom. It’s hard to understand, but that’s the only way to describe it. For the next 6 weeks, I had tingling from the top of my head, a tight chest, elevated heart rate, and shortness of breath. This was with me 24/7 ... I was lucky to sleep 4 hours a night. It got so bad I went to the emergency room… I walked in and said, “I think I’m having a heart attack.” At age 30! So what does any of this have to do with you? Well fortunately, as I outline in my book Unstoppable, I was able to overcome this anxiety. What I discovered through my struggles and what I want to share with you now is this... Structure and discipline give you freedom and success. The more structure in your life, the more true freedom you will have. Now you might be saying, “Craig, that just doesn’t make any sense.” Or, “I don’t want more rules in my life! The government gives me enough!” Please hear me out. When rules are externally imposed upon us, we resist and rebel. BUT... When YOU create Rules for Your Life... An “operating system” for your high performance... Then you function better and actually have a chance to flourish. Structure = Freedom. The famous author, Paulo Coelho said it much more eloquently: “Discipline and freedom are not mutually exclusive, but mutually dependent, because without discipline you would sink into chaos.” That’s exactly what happened to me. I had no discipline (structure) in my life and I descended into chaos. But when I developed my operating system for high performance… My stress and anxiety subsided and my business soared. The same is true for my client, Adam Pearson. Adam was overworked, overstressed, and his health was deteriorating. Through my coaching we helped him create his high performance operating system… Now his accounting firm has grown more than 3X and will exceed $5M this year… all while he takes Fridays off with his wife and kids. Having the right structure has changed Adam’s life. So here’s something to help you determine if having more structure will help you too... I call it... The Entrepreneur’s Anxiety Audit Answer Yes or No: - Do you have trouble falling asleep at night or staying asleep at night? - Do you wake up in the morning not sure what to do first? - Do you feel like you don’t have enough time for “you”? - Do you feel frustrated you are not achieving the results you deserve for all the hard work you do? - Do you get stressed when you don’t make sales or have any work victories? - Are you frustrated with team members or staff turnover? - Are you checking your email more than 5 times per day? - Are you skipping workouts to work? - Are you sacrificing family time? *** If you said YES to many of these questions ... especially the last one... You're trying to do too much. It’s time to identify what really matters in your life and cut the rest. Be ruthless. There’s no other way. To Your Success, Craig PS - Want to destroy anxiety and fast track your business success? You can use the link below to apply for a FREE Coaching Call with my team ($997 value). We’ll help you start developing your own high performance operating system so you have structure that creates success and profits. >> Click here to apply for your FREE Coaching Call today |