Official EFT By Gary Craig

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Official EFT

Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist)
Tips, How-to's, New stuff, More

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IN THIS ISSUE - For Everyone: (1) Today's Inspiration, (2) The Unseen Therapist At Work, (a) The Evolution Of EFT, OEFT And The Unseen Therapist, (b) Can The Unseen Therapist Handle More Than One Issue At A Time? (3) Amazing Experiences, (4) Articles/Videos To Review, (5) NEED MORE HELP?  


For OEFT Course Members - ADVANCED: (1) Our Next Webinar, (2) Our Last Webinar's Recordinig Is Now Available, (3) Marni Morris Shares An Update, (4) With Unseen Therapist's help, Karen Kelley's Body Has Been Speaking To Her In Metaphors, (5) Practice Group Remilnder 


‍Today's Inspiration - About Judgment: Many years ago, Susan Boyle auditioned on Britain's Got Talent and was immediately judged, because of her appearance, to not have a chance. But then she began singing.... Stunning.


Watch video 


(Examples Below)


NOTE: This series is meant primarily for our OEFT Course Membership and assumes a special, High-End level of understanding. However, as a courtesy, I'm including it here for non-members as well in hopes that we might broaden the benefits for all. It should be well worth everyone's exploration. Enjoy.


e-hugs, Gary




The Evolution of EFT, OEFT And The Unseen Therapist


"This is an essential overview for newcomers and an excellent reminder for our seasoned Members."


In this video, Jessica Cunningham (from Belief Coding) interviews me about the history of EFT and its many improvements over the years. This is an essential overview for newcomers and an excellent reminder for our seasoned Members. We discuss many in-depth questions and provide solid examples.


Watch Video




Can Unseen Therapist Handle More Than One Issue At A Time?


"Much to learn here."


Anne Ryan (advanced OEFT practitioner from Ireland) and I explore this topic in some depth. Anne emphasizes the many things Unseen Therapist does behind the scenes while I focus on the need to be THOROUGH. Much to learn here. 


Watch Video 


Karina Biesinger's Amazing Experiences With The Unseen Therapist


"I have worked on everything from self-punishment, guilt, food relationships, physical pain, health issues and many other specific memories with aspects."




First of all I want to extend my gratitude and love to you for creating EFT.  It has blessed my life and so many others over the last almost 12 years that I have been learning and practicing it.  Of course it has blessed many, many others outside of my sphere as well.  Thank you for all you've done!  

Since reading your book about The Unseen Therapist and learning more about Optimal EFT and being a part of your OEFT Course training program, I have had amazing experiences with The Unseen Therapist.  I had a relationship with Her prior to reading your book that began developing more a few years ago and became more connected within the last couple of years.  Since applying your technique with Her, my relationship has deepened and strengthened.


I access Her more often and have more of a foundation of trust with Her.  I receive messages and visualizations from Her and of course experience healing.  I have worked on everything from self-punishment, guilt, food relationships, physical pain, health issues and many other specific memories with aspects.  

I have applied the technique with the clients I already had and the general feedback is that they love it. The emotional charge is down to 0 each time we check in at the end on what we worked on and they feel a familiarity with Her.  

I also love being a part of your Webinars and watching your sessions.  I have been applying the principles you have taught about true forgiveness, connectedness, love and seeing through the lens of this life being more like a dream.  What a beautiful perspective it all is!

Thank you so much for sharing these techniques with the world.  You are just the best and blessings upon your head.

Lots of love and gratitude, Karina Biesinger


Recommended Previous Articles/Videos To Review


1. From our Results collection: OEFT Member Shares Her Progress

2. From our Stairway to Miracles collection: True Forgiveness

3. From our Spiritual Experiences collection: Understanding Time Is An Illusion




1. Read my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist, for a solid understanding of our latest advancement, Optimal EFT.

2. Join our Optimal EFT Course Membership for professionals and self-help students. Taught by me. ln-depth work. Credentials. Touch the World.

3. Become certified through our top-level Complete EFT Certification program. Enter the upper echelons of the world's most effective healing professionals.

4. Engage one of our highly trained, certified, Official EFT Practitioners.

5. For more info please visit The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Centers.



For the Optimal EFT Course Membership
(a paid facility for professionals and self-help students) 

Details and pricing for this Membership


Our next Webinar: It will be on Sunday, December 4, at 10am Pacific time. It will be dedicated to Members' questions/comments about our Advanced Lessons, Self-Help Sessions, Challenging cases, personal uses or anything else that will help us climb our Stairway to Miracles.

Our topics this time will include:

  • An important discussion on overcoming long term conditioning due to abuse, criticism, cultural beliefs and more.
  • Marion Bilich will announce her experiment with communicating with The Unseen Therapist.
  • More with Sharon Clegg on communicating with The Unseen Therapist
  • Gary continues with  common errors students make with our curriculum: Human nature.


This will be also be a prime opportunity to explore your questions and comments. Write to me about them or bring them up at the Webinar. As usual, I will be joined by Sheri Baker and Gabrielle Rutten, MD to respond to the topics.


Our last Webinar's recording is now available: To access it, just login to your Optimal EFT Membership Account and, in the left hand menu, click/tap on Recorded Webinars>Webinars 2017 and after>Webinars 136-185>#149: Medical tests, Message from The Unseen Therapist

Here are the Topics of interest:


0:00:00 Gary opens the Webinar. Sheri provides an orientation.

0:12:32 Gary brings up a lively conversation about medical tests. Sheri, Gabrielle, Judith, Kathleena, George, Irwin, Dave and Jagjeet comment. 

1:08:38 Gary introduces Anne who reads a beautiful "Message from The Unseen Therapist" that Anne received in a perfect flow without the need to edit or refine. Very moving. Helle, Sheri and Gabrielle comment. Gary closes Webinar.



Marni Morris Shares An Update


“I feel like I’m on an island and it’s so lonely here.”


Hi Gary,


I see a previous newsletter included our video visit, so I thought I’d send you a quick update.   I’ve tested the statement, “I feel like I’m on an island and it’s so lonely here” a number of different times, and there’s really no charge to speak of anymore.  Even when I’m walking outside and see people wearing masks, it’s no longer the trigger it used to be.  So, a big thanks to you and Unseen Therapist!!  In fact, since I know She’s always with me I can never really feel lonely.  (And I would add that I feel so much more love for Her now than I ever have in the past with religious/spiritual methods).  


 As for other things:


  • I’m working my way through the lessons in a weekly practice group, this time including the Self-Help Sessions.

  • I attend the OEFT Swap Group Daily Healing Drop-in (featured in a recent Webinar) whenever I can.
    I meet up periodically with one or two other students one-on-one.  (One time, one of them identified a childhood memory for me involving fear/terror around age 8 at camp, but I couldn’t recall any specific event so I asked for clarity during the Daily Drop-in, and the thought “ghost stories” suddenly popped into my head.  Then I recalled a ghost story being told at camp, and one camper’s reaction, so I've been able to work on bringing peace to that event as well).

  • Finally, a couple of people tapped into a “brick wall” that I apparently put up around the same age to prevent me from feeling too deeply, so more to work on…


I’ll keep you posted if I have anything else to report.


With love and gratitude 🙏





With Unseen Therapist's help, Karen Kelley's Body

Has Been Speaking To Her In Metaphors


A friend, not an EFT person, said to me "What if it is about feeling like someone's leftovers?" 


Hi Gary,


I don't know if it might be helpful to others for me to describe how my body has been speaking in metaphors.  Here goes.

For quite a while, I was unable to eat leftover food, even 24 hours later, without experiencing diarrhea.  When I asked Unseen Therapist, she simply said "food spoilage."  However eating the same leftovers did not affect my husband in this way.


A friend, not an EFT person, said to me "What if it is about feeling like someone's leftovers?"  GC COMMENT: As I have often said, The Unseen Therapist speaks to us in different ways, including through other people. This happens to me a lot. Sure enough when I looked for specific events in which I felt like someone's leftovers, I found them, processed them, and after a few weeks, I could once again eat leftovers without symptoms.


Another aspect of this issue I had to resolve was that my leftovers are typically stored in plastic.  I had the feeling this was part of the problem, so I thought about the function of the plastic containers being protection... such as protection from the drying out effect of the cold air in the fridge, etc.    So I found specific events in which I felt unprotected or unsafe and helped Unseen Therapist resolve them all.  

More recently, I was drinking a glass of red wine that we like, but instead of tasting as it usually did, it tasted slightly like vinegar.  It was a newly bought bottle from the store, so I did not think the wine itself could be the problem.  It then occurred to me that Jesus was given vinegar while He was on the cross.  This prompted me to consider who I might need to forgive.  Sure enough a person's name emerged from the depths, I forgave them, tasted the wine again, and it tasted fine.  

These are just a couple of examples of what I have been noticing.  Print it if it is helpful to others.  

Blessings, Karen  

P‍ractice Group Reminder:  Our practice group facility regularly offers new opportunities to improve your skills. Please check it out in the Membership section of our website.


Note: Please consult physicians on all medical issues.


e-hugs, Gary


Provide Feedback, Questions. Optimal EFT Results, etc.

© Gary Craig 

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Gary Craig, P.O. Box 1393, Gualala, CA, 95445, United States

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