Official EFT By Gary Craig

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Optimal EFT (The Unseen Therapist)
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IN THIS ISSUE - For Everyone: (1) Today's Quote, (2) Extraordinary Experiences By Claudia Logan, RN, (3) The Unseen Therapist At Work: (a) Shame, Guilt & Sex, (b) Is Your Issue Logical Or Emotional, (4) Articles/Videos To Review, (5) NEED MORE HELP?  


For OEFT Course Members - ADVANCED: (1) Our Next Webinar, (2) The Last Webinar Recording Is Now Available, (3) Practice Group Reminder. 


‍Today's Quote: Enlightened people move away from confrontation and conflict. Wayne Dyer


‍More Quotes From The Unseen Therapist E-Book 


Extraordinary experiences with The Unseen Therapist by Claudia Logan, a registered nurse: Pneumonia, suspicious breast cancer nodule, thyroid meds no longer needed, blood clots disappeared, atrial fibrillation, mitral valve leak, subdural hematoma, brain tumor operation, “impossible” brain dead response.



Note from Gary:


The Unseen Therapist can also be applied alongside medical treatments and procedures so that the results are more efficient. To give you an in-depth look at this inspiring use of The Unseen Therapist’s power, I have asked Claudia Logan, a registered nurse, to give us some first-hand experiences.


Claudia is constantly helping clients with serious health problems. She has devotedly practiced her skills with The Unseen Therapist and, over time, is finding that her advanced healings are becoming more commonplace. Here are some of her experiences, both personal and with clients. Note that she describes these experiences using technical terms normally expected in a hospital setting. Physicians may appreciate this detail. Claudia says...


"As a medical professional I seek clinical validation of the effects of The Unseen Therapist, and I am absolutely amazed each time I see it (which is often). I have shared these remarkable results with medical colleagues, physicians, and specialists and they say they’ve never experienced anything like this. It is so unexpected that they believe the substantiating MRI’s, CT scans or labs must have been done on the wrong patient."


Claudia's personal experiences with The Unseen Therapist:


On a personal note, I have had significant results for myself with The Unseen Therapist. Here are a few examples:


Pneumonia: I experienced a resistant Pneumonia which lasted two months, in spite of IV antibiotics. It came down to a 5 in severity (on a 0-10 scale) with allopathic medicine. After 4 minutes with The Unseen Therapist, it disappeared altogether and never returned. A subsequent chest x-ray confirmed that the Pneumonia had cleared.


Suspicious Breast Cancer “Nodule” Reduced to Benign Scar Tissue: In the above-mentioned chest x-ray, the Physician’s Assistant thought he saw a recurrence of breast cancer. A mammogram had been done 3 months’ prior and was normal, so he was very concerned. A SonoCine (breast cancer screen) was ordered and a 1 cm nodule with encapsulation and vascularity was diagnosed. This nodule was suspicious for a recurrence of the prior breast cancer.


We agreed to do a follow up SonoCine within a specific time frame, since I requested time to do work on the nodule using The Unseen Therapist by myself as well as with a group of practitioners and Gary Craig.


The subsequent SonoCine results were: ‘post-operative and post irradiative changes in the left breast with a prominent scar that measures 1.3 cm in length.’ These results no longer contained the encapsulation or vascularity but rather a diagnosis of scar tissue related to surgery done 18 years earlier. In other words, a potential recurrence of cancer, with the assistance of The Unseen Therapist, was now merely scar tissue.


No Longer Need Thyroid Meds: I also worked with The Unseen Therapist on my Thyroid dysfunction. I had been on Synthroid for 20+ years. TSH and T4 levels had always been low. I told my primary care physician that I wanted to stop medication and asked if we could repeat labs in two months to confirm that I no longer needed the medication. In the interim, I applied The Unseen Therapist to this issue.


The subsequent labs were within normal range for the first time in decades. Further, all subsequent labs have remained within the high end of normal. I no longer need, nor take, the Thyroid meds.


Blood clots disappeared: Three blood clots (Deep Vein Thrombosis) were recently diagnosed on my lateral left lower extremity. The Unseen Therapist was invited in to resolve the issue during a group session conducted by myself and other practitioners. An urgent scan was then performed and, astonishingly, the blood clots were not present. When the results were reviewed by my doctor, he was once again amazed and said “I KNOW they were there!”


Claudia's experiences with The Unseen Therapist for hospital patients:

She has four experiences to share.


New Onset Atrial Fibrillation Resolved and Mitral Valve Leak Reduced from Severe to Mild: A client had fallen during a hike and injured herself. She had impacted her sternum and sensed a heart arrhythmia after the injury. She saw her cardiologist and was diagnosed with Persistent Atrial Fibrillation, but had not been started on any medication pending additional work up.


A 2Decho (2-Dimensional Echocardiogram) was ordered and it diagnosed a Severe Mitral Valve Leak. She’d had a Porcine Mitral Valve Replacement 10 years before.


Three sessions with The Unseen Therapist were done before her next appointment with a cardiac surgeon. The repeat 2DEcho after the three sessions with The Unseen Therapist showed Normal Sinus (Heart) Rhythm and Mild Mitral Valve Leak rather than Severe. This was discussed with several Cardio-thoracic surgeons who all confirmed that they’d never experienced a Severe Mitral Valve Leak improving without surgery or Persistent Atrial Fibrillation resolving without medication initiation or cardioversion.


The client had subsequent surgery. During and after the surgery I invited The Unseen Therapist to help with the recuperation and recovery time. As a result, she had three out of five chest tubes removed and was transferred out of the Cardiac ICU within a day.


Remarkable Subdural Hematoma, Pain and Disorientation Recovery: Another client, in her 70’s, was kicked in the head by her horse. I accompanied her to the ER while inviting The Unseen Therapist to help bring relief during the trip. Typically, there is substantial pain and disorientation in this kind of injury.


However, upon testing after we arrived at the hospital, neither of these showed up with any real severity and the only possible explanation for this unusual result was healing work by The Unseen Therapist.


Neuro checks and pain assessment showed minimal pain 0-1 out of 10 even though there was a large laceration on the left cheek, several crushed teeth on the left jaw, several others loosened at the front of the mouth, a skull fracture and a subdural hematoma. Her concierge doctor was assessing her en route to the ER and told her that she was very lucid and minimally disoriented.


The CT scan confirmed the Subdural Hematoma. Another CT scan, done 12 hours later, showed that the Subdural Hematoma had decreased in size, which is highly unusual. The following day, she remained coherent, reported that her memory of what had happened was returning and she realized that she had lost consciousness but didn’t know for how long. She remembered waking up lying on the floor (45% experience amnesia for a month). There was minimal bruising on the neck and face, and no headache reported. She only reported discomfort when she ate due to the crushed teeth.


She was assessed by Physical and Occupational Therapy as well as Neurology and no neurologic deficits were found. She was surprised that she was feeling no back pain as she had had several spinal fusions. She was discharged in less than 24 hours even though she met High Risk Criteria due to Age, a Traumatic Brain Injury, and a Subdural Hematoma (Most patients meeting high risk criteria are hospitalized no less than 48-72 hours in order to assure that the subdural or epidural hematomas, hemorrhagic progression of contusions or edema do not develop or cause secondary injuries).


Friends were shocked that she was not anxious to be around her horse which she visited 2 days later. She was not hypervigilant and talked about the accident calmly, therefore, no signs of PTSD which was also unusual.


Astonishing Result for Brain Tumor Operation: This client had a witnessed fall, face first and was seizing. Paramedics were called. She was in Status Epilepticus (severe, prolonged seizures) and was taken to the local trauma center. I met her at the ER. A CT scan and then MRI were done and she was on IV Dilantin for seizure control.


I was inviting in The Unseen Therapist on her behalf while we waited for the neurologist to come assess her and provide the results of the scans. Her neuro checks were excellent, the scrapes on her head and arms were appearing to be days old rather than hours, and she was lucid and coherent.


When the neurologist came, he reviewed the MRI with me. An 11 cm tumor had been found in the frontal lobe and there was a diagnosis of Mid-Line Shift. An urgent craniotomy was planned. She reported that with all her prior surgeries she had always had one or two days of nausea and vomiting post-op.


I invited in The Unseen Therapist on her behalf that night, and in the morning prior to the craniotomy. Extraordinarily, the surgery was less than 5 hours long (average time frame for non-urgent craniotomy is 2-6 hours. Patients with prior craniotomies take longer particularly if there are additional issues, such as the midline shift).


She was sitting in a chair eating breakfast first thing in the morning, therefore, no post-op nausea and vomiting and was experiencing no neurological symptoms of any kind. She did not require a flap procedure (reconstructive surgery) which was unexpected as she had had a prior craniotomy.


Since she was doing so well, I anticipated that she might be transferred from the Neuro ICU to the Neurological unit sooner than expected. Actually she was discharged home from the Neuro ICU on Post Op Day 1. I’ve never heard of any patient being discharged directly from ICU post elective surgery, let alone, post emergent surgery, and certainly not for a craniotomy when all patients are monitored for potential edema, subdural bleeds, etc. for a minimum of 2-4 days.


She went home, walked her dog, went to a party, and was fully functional immediately. No one was aware that she had just had major surgery.


Unusual Grief Relief and an “Impossible” Brain Dead Response: A friend’s sister was dying and I was very concerned for my friend as she had experienced the recent death of her daughter and grandson. This sister had been diagnosed with lung cancer and was in the hospital where her grandson had died and her daughter had been terminally extubated (taken off a ventilator).


I was worried that this would create additional trauma and did remote work with The Unseen Therapist on her behalf with the intention to create the most ideal death for the sister which would assist my friend as well.


The patient was unconscious and having Cheyne-Stokes breathing which my friend recognized. She realized that her sister was dying and called her other sister into the room. As they sat by the bed, she suddenly opened her eyes and stared at my friend and then stared at the other sister, then looked between them to the corner of the room.


My friend turned to see what might be behind her in the corner. She didn’t see anything but felt something there. Then the patient’s eyes slowly and very gently followed the wall up to the ceiling, took her last breath, closed her eyes, and left her body.


My friend told me that she was in a very unexpected emotional state. She said she was not upset or grieving and actually felt a sense of peace and joy. She and her sister stayed in the room, had drinks, ate dinner and shared memories of their sister with each other.


She said she never expected that another death would feel this peaceful or loving given her experiences and the profound grief she still felt related to her daughter’s death. She then said: ‘By the way, did I tell you she was Brain Dead?’


The patient was in a hospital setting. She did have brain metastasis due to lung cancer. She had been unconscious and Brain Death had been diagnosed. Given the diagnosis, there was no way she could have opened her eyes, been lucid and focused, stared at them, looked between them to the corner of the room, and slowly gazed up to the ceiling as she took her last breath.


Terminal Lucidity does not occur with Brain Death.


Even though she did not speak, this was once again, a very unexpected result.


Claudia Logan, RN



(Examples Below)


NOTE: This series is meant primarily for our OEFT Course Membership and assumes a special, High-End level of understanding. However, as a courtesy, I'm including it here for non-members as well in hopes that we might broaden the benefits for all. It should be well worth everyone's exploration. Enjoy.


e-hugs, Gary




Unnecessary Shame And Guilt Regarding Sex


"... explore ways wherein The Unseen Therapist can bring major freedom to this issue."


Many people have experienced sexual abuse/molestation at young ages and these experiences have robbed them of a healthy sex life in later years. The result is a form of prison on this natural human function that brings about shame, guilt, conflict and major confusion. This need not be.


Listen in as Gabrielle Rutten, MD and I have a detailed, frank discussion on this topic and explore ways wherein The Unseen Therapist can bring major freedom to this issue. 


Watch Video




 Is Your Issue Logical... Or Emotional? And What To Do About It


Many of us carry around emotional issues such as "I'm not good enough," "I don't count," "I'm not lovable" and similar topics. However, these were likely embedded in childhood and are no longer logical. Nonetheless, they often replay in current time and are responsible for limit upon limit as our lives unfold.

What to do?

Listen in as Mary McGrory (a seasoned Optimal EFT Practitioner) and I explore these issues and ways to resolve them. 


Watch Video 

Recommended Previous Articles/Videos To Review


1. From our Results collection: Did The Unseen Therapist Fix Monica's Iphone?

2. From our Stairway to Miracles collection: The Game Where Everybody Wins

3. From our Spiritual Experiences collection: Suzan Proia Had Two Spiritual Awakenings    




1. Read my free e-book, The Unseen Therapist, for a solid understanding of our latest advancement, Optimal EFT.

2. Join our Optimal EFT Course Membership for professionals and self-help students. Taught by me. ln-depth work. Credentials. Touch the World.

3. Become certified through our top-level Complete EFT Certification program. Enter the upper echelons of the world's most effective healing professionals.

4. Engage one of our highly trained, certified, Official EFT Practitioners.

5. For more info please visit The Gary Craig Official EFT Training Centers.



For the Optimal EFT Course Membership
(a paid facility for professionals and self-help students) 

Details and pricing for this Membership


Our next Webinar: It will be on Sunday, June 18, at 10am Pacific time. It will be dedicated to Members' questions/comments about our Advanced Lessons, Self-Help Sessions, Challenging cases, personal uses or anything else that will help us climb our Stairway to Miracles.

Our topics this time will be solely for your questions and comments. No previous thoughts/concepts involved.


This will be a prime opportunity to explore your questions and comments. Write to me about them or bring them up at the Webinar. I will be joined by Sheri Baker and Gabrielle Rutten, MD to answer whatever topics you choose.


Our last Webinar's recording is now available: To access it, just login to your Optimal EFT Membership Account and, in the left hand menu, click/tap on Recorded Webinars>Webinars 2017 and after>Webinars 136-185>#160: Retina Issue and Meadow Meditation.

Here are the Topics of interest:


0:00:00 Gary opens Webinar. Sheri provides an orientation.

0:05:46 Gary introduces Gabrielle and her new book, "Official EFT From A to Z."

0:11:34 Sister Maureen asks a question about vision problems/ retina. Gabrielle and Sheri comment.

0:25:23 Gary introduces the Meadow Meditation on resentments. Sheri, Isabel, Cara and Judith comment. 

1:31:47 Gary closes Webinar. 

P‍ractice Group Reminder:  Our practice group facility regularly offers new opportunities to improve your skills. Please check it out in the Membership section of our website.


Note: Please consult physicians on all medical issues.


e-hugs, Gary


Provide Feedback, Questions. Optimal EFT Results, etc.

© Gary Craig 

All Rights Reserved

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Gary Craig, P.O. Box 1393, Gualala, CA, 95445, United States

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