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Hooters Clips It’s Wings, Closes Dozens of Locations Due to ‘Market Conditions’

Trump Expands Push in Blue States as Virginia Appears Competitive

The US Postal Service Helps Surveil Americans

Biden DHS Intel Group Used January 6 and Mar-a-Lago Raid to Justify Expanding Monitoring of Political Dissent

Central Banks Ramp Up Gold Purchases Again as $3K per Ounce Appears Inevitable

Former Chicago Democrat Alderman Ed Burke Sentenced to Two Years in Prison for Corruption

Give Me Air Conditioning or Give Me Death: US Olympic Team Rebels Against Paris’ Carbon Emission Rules

Data: Trump Annihilates Gavin Newsom in Hypothetical 2024 Match-Up

Feds Should Continually Monitor Asylum-Seekers to Stop ‘Significant Threats’: IG Report

Joe Biden Is the Most Pro-Abortion President in American History

Moscow Warns of Response After U.S.-Linked Crimea Strike

Qatari Foreign Agents Secretly Paid $250K for PBS Documentary

New Russian “Glide Bombs” Proving Highly Effective as Summer Offensive Begins

Data: Trump Annihilates Gavin Newsom in Hypothetical 2024 Match-up

Trump Calls for Biden to Be Drug Tested Ahead of Debate, Says He Will Also ‘Immediately Agree to One’