May 26, 2021 • View in browser
Good morning. 🌤
Today, the art world’s “motherhood penalty,” and reviews of a solo show by Castiel Vitorino Brasileiro and two group shows, one in LA “from a mid-pandemic point of view,” and the other in New York that looks at imperial power, public relations, and social control.
— Hrag Vartanian, editor-in-chief
The Very Real “Motherhood Penalty” in the Art World
What's Happening
The 1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle, also known as the Lydda Death March (via Wikimedia Commons)
The 1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle, also known as the Lydda Death March (via Wikimedia Commons)
Outdoors vs. Indoors
Cathartic Public Art, Including an Ode to All the Missed Parties
Navigating Home, the Way Children Might See It
Latest Reviews
Lingering in the Crossroads Between the Human and the Divine
Revealing the Prickly Side of Imperial “Soft Power”
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Excavating Rare and Suppressed Footage of the Soviet Era
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