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The March issue of the Village Voice is on the streets!  

In the March issue of the Village Voice we look at women in history and women making a difference right now. Plus we assess the true "madness" inside of March Madness — the players generate more than a billion dollars for the NCAA but don't get a dime. And much, much more. Here are some highlights:

Janis Ian caught our attention in 1975 with “At Seventeen.” Katherine Turman talks with Ian about Leonard Bernstein, Bill Cosby, her musical journey, and releasing her final album at 70. Then, flipping the disc, Turman explores Life on Earth with Alynda Segarra.
In other music coverage, Queens native Robert Ross has played the blues all over town and the globe. Rafael Alvarez talks with him about how it’s been a tough fit for “a Jew from New York.”
And what do you think about that person taking bottles out of the trash? In our cover story, Ali Smith looks deeper at the world of “canners” — their struggles, their rights, and the unseen good they do.  
Women's History Month takes the forefront when R.C. Baker combs through the Voice archives to find the women who appeared on the early mastheads. Also, Ross Barkan looks at the storied careers of Shirley Chisholm, Elizabeth Holtzman, and Bella Abzug, all of whom paved paths that women in politics continue to widen today. 
And don't miss satirist Ward Sutton's latest take on the nation's anxious mood — and ways to find some relief. 
Plus Havey Fierstein's memoir, the latest in literature, and a look at the dark history of West Village townhouse. 


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