“ ‘Citizens of the World’? Nice Thought, But … ”; Chief Idaho federal prosecutor warns: “The spread of false information or inflammatory or threatening statements … may violate federal law”; Are Trump delegates bound to support Trump at the convention?; ‘I hope 2016 doesn’t get renewed. The plot is ridiculous and none of the characters are likable.’ (@pourmecoffee);
The Volokh Conspiracy
“ ‘Citizens of the World’? Nice Thought, But … ”
"Surrendering traditional powers and liberties to a distant state is a lot easier if you think of that state as run by 'people like me,' not 'strangers from another place.'"
Chief Idaho federal prosecutor warns: “The spread of false information or inflammatory or threatening statements … may violate federal law”
Should prosecutors make such statements, even when responding to inaccurate rumors (these ones about a real sexual assault on a 5-year-old girl in Idaho)?
Are Trump delegates bound to support Trump at the convention?
A lawsuit raises a constitutional challenge to state laws that purport to bind delegates to specific candidates based upon primary results.
‘I hope 2016 doesn’t get renewed. The plot is ridiculous and none of the characters are likable.’ (@pourmecoffee)
Words of wisdom.
A brief word on Brexit
I hope I'm wrong, but Brexit looks like a big victory for radical Islamic fundamentalists.
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