Hollywood and the Constitution; Weekend reading: defending the liberal project in an age of post-truth politics; New Zealand legalizes compensation for organ donors [updated with correction on US law on compensating organ donors for lost wages]; Australian judge requires female Muslim witness to testify without a veil;
The Volokh Conspiracy
Hollywood and the Constitution
Legal scholars suggest a variety of movie plots involving constitutional crises. But the more serious danger to constitutional democracy lies elsewhere.
Constitutional plot twists
Some good ideas for Hollywood.
Weekend reading: defending the liberal project in an age of post-truth politics
Food for thought about our present moment.
New Zealand legalizes compensation for organ donors [updated with correction on US law on compensating organ donors for lost wages]
The US would do well to follow New Zealand's lead, and even go farther towards legalizing organ markets.
Australian judge requires female Muslim witness to testify without a veil
"I would be impeded in my ability to [fully] assess the reliability and credibility of the evidence ... if I am not afforded the opportunity of being able to see [the witness's] face when she gives evidence."
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