Why Trump’s refugee order is unconstitutional; The deadly serious accusation of being a “so-called judge”; Originalism, living constitutionalism, and outrageous outcomes; Ninth Circuit battle: May Arizona deny driver’s licenses to beneficiaries of Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program?;
The Volokh Conspiracy
Did Yiannopoulos secretly send more than 100 thugs to Berkeley to break up his own speech?
While some bizarrely worry that Milo Yiannopoulos organized 100 agitators to disrupt his own speech at Berkeley, the real focus of concern should be why police have been unable to arrest even a single one of the criminals.
Why Trump’s refugee order is unconstitutional
Trump's thinly veiled Muslim ban violates constitutional prohibitions against religious discrimination.
The deadly serious accusation of being a “so-called judge”
It might be the difference between obeying the courts and defying them.
Originalism, living constitutionalism, and outrageous outcomes
Famed legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues that consistent application of originalism would lead to outrageous results. But the same could easily be said of living constitutionalism.
Ninth Circuit battle: May Arizona deny driver’s licenses to beneficiaries of Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program?
"Executive power favors the party, or perhaps simply the person, who wields it. That power is the forbidden fruit of our politics, irresistible to those who possess it and reviled by those who don’t."
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