Proposed R.I. bill: Any judge who is ‘person of color’ must be replaced by another ‘person of color’; Fairness and campus tribunals; On Gorsuch, Garland and inconsistency; Nancy Pelosi and gun control groups claim that Neil Gorsuch sides with ‘felons over gun safety’; Campus due process comments and responses; Liberal UC Berkeley law professor Dan Farber on Neil Gorsuch; The anti-free-speech movement at UC Berkeley;
The Volokh Conspiracy
Proposed R.I. bill: Any judge who is ‘person of color’ must be replaced by another ‘person of color’
But this would pretty clearly violate the Equal Protection Clause.
Fairness and campus tribunals
Since universities aren’t going to act on their own to do justice, the initiative must come from elsewhere.
On Gorsuch, Garland and inconsistency
Gorsuch is a good pick. But that's not to say that the Democrats don't have good cause to try to block the appointment.
Nancy Pelosi and gun control groups claim that Neil Gorsuch sides with ‘felons over gun safety’
Maybe he's just siding with the law as Congress wrote it.
Campus due process comments and responses
The quality of the commenters is one of the most enjoyable aspects of posting here. So, a few responses to comments in this post.
Do crime victims have an interest in avoiding unreasonable delay in criminal appeals?
The Supreme Court should decide.
Liberal UC Berkeley law professor Dan Farber on Neil Gorsuch
'He is a thoughtful, principled judge, albeit one who is more conservative than I would like.'
The anti-free-speech movement at UC Berkeley
'A speech by conservative firebrand and British writer Milo Yiannopoulos was canceled at UC Berkeley on Wednesday amid a violent protest that sparked at least one fire.'
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