My talks this week in New Orleans; Last handgun ban in an American jurisdiction struck down; Final version: ‘An Economic Understanding of Search and Seizure Law’; AEI event on Thursday — The Court: Power, policy and self-government; Again on the erroneous argument that the Senate has a ‘constitutional duty’ to consider a Supreme Court nominee;
The Volokh Conspiracy
My talks this week in New Orleans
Come hear me talk about Our Republican Constitution: Securing the Liberty and Sovereignty of We the People.
Last handgun ban in an American jurisdiction struck down
That would be the CNMI -- you know what that is, don't you?
Final version: ‘An Economic Understanding of Search and Seizure Law’
Here's a link to the .pdf of my new article, as well as a short explanation of its central idea.
AEI event on Thursday — The Court: Power, policy and self-government
AEI event with Judge Kavanaugh, Thursday, March 31, 12:15-2:15pm.
Again on the erroneous argument that the Senate has a ‘constitutional duty’ to consider a Supreme Court nominee
Considering Judge Garland's nomination to the Supreme Court may be a good idea, but it's hardly a constitutional obligation (with an added note about Vice President Biden's revisionist history).
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