FBI seeking to prevent disclosure of information about Orlando shooting; Challenge to Maryland law banning speech that intentionally seriously distresses minors; Jacob Levy’s libertarian critique of Brexit; Alexander Hamilton, the truth, and freedom of the press;
The Volokh Conspiracy
FBI seeking to prevent disclosure of information about Orlando shooting
The Justice Department may have relented over editing a transcript of the 911 call made by the Orlando shooter, but it is still obstructing the release of other information that must be disclosed under Florida law.
Challenge to Maryland law banning speech that intentionally seriously distresses minors
A friend-of-the-court brief in the latest case in the Aaron Walker/Brett Kimberlin saga.
Jacob Levy’s libertarian critique of Brexit
Political theorist Jacob Levy explains why Brexit is unlikely to lead to substantially freer markets in Britain, or Europe more generally.
Idaho federal prosecutor issues follow-up statement about Twin Falls child sexual assault controversy
The earlier statement said that "the spread of false information or inflammatory or threatening statements about the perpetrators or the crime itself reduces public safety and may violate federal law." The follow-up statement focuses only on "threatening or harassing communications," presumably said to "public officials."
Alexander Hamilton, the truth, and freedom of the press
One thing that didn’t make it into the musical: Hamilton played a historic and immensely influential role in American free press law, just months before his fatal duel.
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