Identity politics and the perils of zero-sum thinking; The politics of Star Trek; Tim Kaine’s principled defense of constitutional limits on presidential power; A mistake that racists and anti-racists have in common;
The Volokh Conspiracy
Identity politics and the perils of zero-sum thinking
Zero-sum views of the world - driven in large part by ignorance - are a major factor in promoting racial and ethnic hatred, and xenophobia.
The politics of Star Trek
My new Institute for Humane Studies post on the politics of Star Trek.
Tim Kaine’s principled defense of constitutional limits on presidential power
Democratic VP nominee Tim Kaine deserves credit for standing up for constitutional limits on presidential power to initiate war - even against a Democratic administration.
A mistake that racists and anti-racists have in common
Treating members of minority groups fairly benefits them, but it also benefits the majority.
Imagining a Trump Justice Department
If you're not scared, you're not paying attention.
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